Ok, so the misses went for the fourth time to Baguio (in five days) from close to San Fernando to get her and her son's medicals redone. Between power outs, confusion (on the medical staff side about ID requirements) etc etc etc (fooking idiots) fourth day she finally manages to get everything done.
After the xray, the doctor/nurse/whoever the hell, give her a "suspicious" in reference to her xray, and says come back in a few hours and pay for another one. So being in shock, she doesn't think to ask, just basically goes blank thinking the worst. Goes back later that day, gets the second xray done, but no results until the following day. Apparently xray's take much longer to read in the afternoon then during the morning.

wifey comes back home in complete shock, full tears etc as to be expected, after I couple of hours, manage to get her talked back from the ledge (metaphorically) and get her to go to her local hospital and get a second test/opinion there. The hospital opinion comes back perfect, no problems, your fine and you owe us 400 peso for wasting our time sort of thing.
Now apparently the results from the Baguio fool will be mailed to the embassy, with the new ( I will assume xray) (I am having my doubts if there was even a second xray taken - properly at least) I smell scam here.
What a total f-up this turned out to be. a week wasted running around in circles.
My wife has the report from her hospital stashed in her stack of papers now, and has been on the phone to the fool from Baguio, and gave them supreme *censored word* from the heartache they managed to cause.
But it brought one question to my mind - are the immigration "doctors" not supposed to discuss or say anything about the results or findings from the tests to the patients? Ie, isn't that info supposed to be just sealed and sent off? And after that it is up to the embassy staff/doctor to take it from there?