Well said, I know me wife and I (especially I) will have some very big changes and challenges when they finally arrive. For me, having a third set of little footsteps around with her(our) son is going to be a huge change for me, and already I have been read the riot act, for buying to many toys and goodies for his imminent arrival (really, a kid can have to many toys? Apperantly so

as I have been informed.
Biggest adjustment, will just be getting reacquainted once again, after so long apart, paying to run to house holds, has been a bit tough, but still surviving

although it didn't leave any room for a travel budget to go to the Phil's myself and at least visit. And in some ways, that is good and bad, good being didn't have to go through another tear filled good bye. Bad, well the bad of not seeing your mate for so long should be obvious to any one reading these forums.
I think one of the biggest adjustments for my poor wife will be the 40 or boxes of modeling gear and equipment, I have packed away just waiting for the next place we move into, her s**ting a brick may not be completely out of the question
I do look forward to finally seeing that damned DM, on ecas, and putting this whole journey (for lack of a better term) behind us, and getting on with life. Being a family, with all the trials and tribulations that brings with it.
I will agree with CJG, these forums, as much help and fellowship as they have provided will be less visited as time goes on, a natural cycle I would think for those of us stuck here right now. Soon there there will be new people with new questions, and all of the names that have become familiar over the last while, will be out enjoying and experiencing life, instead of waiting on some beauracrats permission to actually live it.
That is probably the one thing that makes this forum so unique, is that it is a living thing, that takes in the new and releases the old. Unlike other forums that get weighed down, with long time members, and forms cliques. It is odd to consider a virtual thing, as something alive, but this place is as probably as close as well get, until the day of A.I. That has the capability to reproduce.