So, after 30 mins waiting for an agent, I finally got some answers for my file. CEM requested my wife's and kids passports. My kids are under the Canadian Citizenship program, not sponsorship. She said she never heard them request the kids passports when not part of the sponsorship. No one can actually tell me the type of visa my kids might get....visitor, facilitated...I have heard them all mentioned by different people CIC. I also mentioned to her that CEM told me to get the kids visa's I would need to show proof that I filed them under Canadian Citizenship. The only thing I have is a receipt, so I asked her to get me something...this was filed in September....well, since they have not started it, there's nothing in the no way to confirm. I also told her I am getting my second daughters passport next Wednesday and how to proceed. She tells me I can't send the passport into CEM until I do the Citizenship first. I told her I agreed, and just wanted to confirm. Get this....she tells me to get my wife to send everything to me and then I can send it into NS direct, and then, when they are done with it, they will send it back to me. I said how could that way be quicker then doing it in CEM? So, long story short, and with flight, hotel, and spending...I am off to file my daughters papers next Friday so I have a chance on getting them here before it snows! 4K but it's worth it to have peace of mind that it is filed and I get the passport back right away to send in with my wife's.