screech339 said:
I don't see any major problems with it.
The part that everyone is making a big fuss over the bill is the removal of Canadian citizenship clause. What these people are forgetting is that it can only be done if you are convicted of terrorism AND hold DUAL citizenship.
The other issue is the "intend to reside" clause. This only applies to those who apply for canadian citizenship. The intend to resides applies to the period between submitting your application to the day you become Canadian. The purpose of the clause is to make the PR actually stay in Canada while they wait to be become Canadian. This is to prevent PR from taking off and leaving Canada after submitting the application while waiting for citizenship. They can stay outside Canada up to 3 years while waiting for citizenship. To me that doesn't make sense. You do want Canada to be your home country or not? To leave Canada while waiting for citizenship tells me that the PR only want to be Canadian of Convenient.
Sorry, you are misinformed...
First of all, terrorism is a very wide term... You can be convicted and labeled a terrorist for speaking out against the government, such as criticizing the government for not doing enough for the environment.
secondly, you do not have to hold dual citizenship. You only have to have the ability to OBTAIN dual citizenship in order for your Canadian Citizenship to be removed and you can be exiled to the third world. Now... this is basically anyone in Canada, this means if your parent's parents were born here... you can be removed.
Now... Here's the kicker!!! You do not have to be convicted of anything! In fact, there will be no court cases either.... actually you don't even have to be charged with anything, just the suspicion is enough for the minister of Citizenship and immigration to issue a removal order, that simply means that someone who doesn't really like you, can complain about you to the right person, call you a terrorist and there you go.... you lose your citizenship. it's really that easy to lose...
Now, to get to the "intent to reside" clause.... First go and watch this video of Minister Chris Alexander fumbling through questions that he has no knowledge of...
See that? He doesn't even know what the fuck he is talking about... He's like a stuck record... repeating the same $hit over and over... Even though it is being pointed out to him that's not what the bill says.... I can't believe that anyone can be this ignorant.
These laws are plain and simple BS... Here's what it's meant to do... It's to get rid of people who do not bear allegiance to the conservative party, people who have different views than them, this way, they will stay in power and never lose an election... easy enough to exile people to a place where you have never been to or know nothing about... Sounds pretty medieval doesn't it? and then they just slap the word terrorism on it and the public believes anything that is associated with terrorism when in reality they don't even know or understand what terrorism is... The word terrorism in the bill does not mean terrorism... it means "people who do not agree with us or criticize us for the way we conduct politics"
But hey... I guess this is just my opinion eh? When the time comes.... and it will, everyone will see and start believing what I have said all along... until that time comes I will wait quietly... Seriously thinking of becoming a sovereign citizen of the world... that way, they can't touch me with a 10 foot pole...
I mean... think about it for just a minute.... when you do, you will realize that it all makes just too much sense and that I am speaking the truth...