We love it!
I worked in US for 9 years. I applied for green card and waited for a very long time (probably more than 6 years) so we applied for Canadian PR and got it in just 1 year

. We felt immensely happy and blessed when we received the PR card.
Finding a job outside of Canada was difficult even while working in US but I managed to get one so my wife and I moved to Canada. My wife struggled to get a job because in Canada you need to have Canadian experience. She enrolled in some volunteer job and got a job later.
The first few months we struggled with higher taxes and, higher food prices and cost living but health care turned out to be great for us and the service is similar to US. After a while we stopped comparing prices with US and life became a lot easier.
In general customer service is a little bit worse than US but still good. And Canada is a great and very peaceful place to live and raise family. Spectacular during summer and liveable in Winter. I ice-skate in winter and ride a bicycle all the year around (yes also in winter). I still need to try sky and other winter sports.
It is a multicultural society so you find less resistance from Canadian and other cultures and you can blend easily. Most people are welcoming and polite.
BTW houses are expensive but when you look at the interest rate and monthly payments it seems to be lower than US somehow.