That is exactly what I was explaining. No, you are not required to continue holding the LMIA job until landing.
I have done extensive research on this (before actually doing it) and confirming from CIC. "Change in circumstances after eApr" section of express entry details on CIC website describes this clearly.
Once you scored points, got ITA and submitted application, your LMIA job has to be valid at the time of applying (eApr).
If you loose / leave that job latter, they will NOT RECALCULATE your points. Since the circumstances changed AFTER eApr. It would only matter if I loose CEC's qualification for some reason.
I have done precisely that and kept CIC well informed i.e. had an LMIA job that I was working on, had another LMIA exempt job offer THAT I intended to join latter. I submitted my application stating all this, latter, several months after submission, I got a new LMIA exempt work permit, joined the new job and again informed CIC of all change of conditions and now I am through with the whole process. PPR was at least several months AFTER joining the new job, address update etc.
Besides, I already SHOWED this in my intent that I would not continue the LMIA job latter.
If needed, I can quote (with a little bit of effort looking at my materials), explaining this scenario precisely.
So - no - if you lost your LMIA job AFTER eApr, it won't result in recalculation of your score. period.
Hope that helps.
Details can be read here, specifically under heading "Change in circumstances after eApr". All you need to do is meet MEC. Note that CRS recalculation requirement only holds until the eApr.