I have a years skilled work experience as restaurant manager. I have a very solid letter from my employer and they are a big company. My worry is that as well as managing I was bartending, basically doing two roles at the same time.
My payslips say 'bartender' and not 'manager' and I was not ever paid anymore than a liquor servers wage.
The letter explains that they do not change the occupation on the paystubs because wage doesn't change and it also says, crucially I think, that even when I was 'not officially working a managers shift I was still completing manager tasks listed below'. I then have 75% of the roles listed on my NOC website page listed in the letter.
What are your thoughts? This isn't as cut and dry as other peoples professions and was a mixed role. This is what my entire application will boil down to. Friends have said that I should be fine but my lawyer wasn't overly enthusiastic.
As far as I see it I'm a skilled worker according to the job toles in the letter, does pay matter? Does doing the role mixed with unskilled work at the same time matter?
Looking for reassurance!
The fact that the role is mixed is not the biggest concern - it is not uncommon for supervisors/managers to perform some of the same duties of the people they manage/supervise. However, if you look at the NOC for bartenders, 6512, you will see that bar supervisors and managers can be included in the NOC. Since you don't discuss other roles within a restaurant (e.g. cook, waiting tables) it is likely that IRCC will see your role as more narrow.
The managerial duties of NOC 0631 include significant decision-making authority -
- Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of a restaurant, bar, cafeteria or other food or beverage service
- Determine type of services to be offered and implement operational procedures
- Negotiate arrangements with suppliers for food and other supplies
So, without knowing the job duties and responsibilities in your letter, it is hard to guess which is the correct NOC for you. Another clue might be - who do you report to - what is their title?
But, as others have pointed out, the fact that your title and wage did not change is a pretty big red flag that your NOC is not 0631.
Wish we could give you reassurance - since you have already applied, you can only hope for the best - good luck!