Dear Sirs,
Last year I applied for FSW category. I received acknowledgement for that in the month of December 2012. But in June 2012 I received the letter from Immigration visa officer that my application is rejected due to education points is lesser. They gave the points as below for my application assessment
Age l 0 - l 0
Education l 5 - 25
Experience 21 - 2 l
Arranged employment 0 - l 0
Offi cial languagep rofic iency 12 - 24
Adaptability 4 - l 0
TOTAL 62 - 100
But my education is:
SSC + HSC + Diploma(3 years)
Primary & secondary school - 10 years (full time) +
Pre-university college - 2 years (full time) and
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering - 3 years (full time)
So, I have total 15 years FULL TIME education.
But I received the reason for refusal from the Visa Office is:
You have not obtained the minimum number of points, currently 67, required for a permanent resident
visa. I awarded1 5 pointsf or your education.Y ou presenteda Diploma in MechanicalE ngineeringf rom
the Board of TechnicalE ducationK arnataka.T o attaint his, your highestl evel of education,r equiredi 3
years of full time study as higher secondaryi s not a requirementf or admissiont o this program of studies.
You have therefore not satisfied me that you will be able to become economically established in Canada.
Subsection 1l(1) of the Act states that a foreign national must, before entering Canada, apply to an officer
for a visa or for any other document required by the regulations. The visa or document shall be issued if,
following an examination, the officer is satisfied that the foreign national is not inadmissible and meets
the requirementso f this Act. Subsection2(2)s pecifiest hat unlesso therwisei ndicated,r eferencesi n the
Act to "this Act" include regulations made under it.
Following an examinationo f your applicationI, am not satisfiedth at you meett he requirementso f the
Act and the regulations for the reasons explained above. I am therefore refusing your application.
So I want to know whether the Visa Office of Canada immigration decision is it correct? If not what can be done to request for re-consider the application.
Please advise me in this regard.

Last year I applied for FSW category. I received acknowledgement for that in the month of December 2012. But in June 2012 I received the letter from Immigration visa officer that my application is rejected due to education points is lesser. They gave the points as below for my application assessment
Age l 0 - l 0
Education l 5 - 25
Experience 21 - 2 l
Arranged employment 0 - l 0
Offi cial languagep rofic iency 12 - 24
Adaptability 4 - l 0
TOTAL 62 - 100
But my education is:
SSC + HSC + Diploma(3 years)
Primary & secondary school - 10 years (full time) +
Pre-university college - 2 years (full time) and
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering - 3 years (full time)
So, I have total 15 years FULL TIME education.
But I received the reason for refusal from the Visa Office is:
You have not obtained the minimum number of points, currently 67, required for a permanent resident
visa. I awarded1 5 pointsf or your education.Y ou presenteda Diploma in MechanicalE ngineeringf rom
the Board of TechnicalE ducationK arnataka.T o attaint his, your highestl evel of education,r equiredi 3
years of full time study as higher secondaryi s not a requirementf or admissiont o this program of studies.
You have therefore not satisfied me that you will be able to become economically established in Canada.
Subsection 1l(1) of the Act states that a foreign national must, before entering Canada, apply to an officer
for a visa or for any other document required by the regulations. The visa or document shall be issued if,
following an examination, the officer is satisfied that the foreign national is not inadmissible and meets
the requirementso f this Act. Subsection2(2)s pecifiest hat unlesso therwisei ndicated,r eferencesi n the
Act to "this Act" include regulations made under it.
Following an examinationo f your applicationI, am not satisfiedth at you meett he requirementso f the
Act and the regulations for the reasons explained above. I am therefore refusing your application.
So I want to know whether the Visa Office of Canada immigration decision is it correct? If not what can be done to request for re-consider the application.
Please advise me in this regard.