Recieved my GCMS notes and it was generated on 01/04/2014.It annoying that it was generated on 01/04 but sent in May

2nd line was added on 02/05/2014 so I am not sure if GCMS triggered anything. Scanning through the whole document I can see Security has not yet been started and my file had
''8 PAPER FILE TRANSFER HISTORY'' I am not sure what this signifies. Following are the final notes..
Based on documentation provided, applicant falls within one of the eligible MI8 NOC codes. Duties performed
by PA correspond to the lead statement and /or main duties for this NOC. PA appears to have a minimum of at
least one year of continuous full-time (or equivalent part-time) paid work experience in the last 10 years in one
of the occupations listed in the Ministerial Instructions which were published in the Canada Gazette on May 4,
2013, and which the PA has identified as their primary occupation. PA has submitted eligible language test
results that meet the established benchmarks. MINISTERIAL INSTRUCTION 8 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA MET. PA
appears to have a minimum of at least one year of continuous full-time (or equivalent part-time) paid work
experience in the last 10 years in skill level 0, A or B. PA appears to meet or exceed the threshold for language
requirements and educational requirements. PA has also submitted the required educational credential and
where applicable, a current ECA report. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS APPEAR TO BE MET. Docs on file reviewed.
Letter of reference related to work experience on file-not verified. Required language test results on file and tesi
results verified Educational credentials/ Transcripts reviewed and ECA report verified (where applicable). If any adaptability points are Indicated, information on file not verified. Applicant appears to have 67 points or more on
selection grid To visa office for further assessment/ decision Letter emailed to address(es) on file''
Any comments?