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London Visa Office

Abu Hassaan

Champion Member
Oct 27, 2013
Job Offer........
Congratulations LHEYYZ and good luck for smooth landing & early settlement.

LHEYYZ said:
Morning lovly & lovable mates. Received passports with visas along with COPR yesterday. ALHAMDOLILLAH. Was out of town. Thats y updating today. This was tense journey but this forum made it quite bearable. InshaAllah each and every one on this forum'll win his/ her visas very soon. God bless u all

Abu Hassaan

Champion Member
Oct 27, 2013
Job Offer........

It is totally fine. I have following note on my PCC:

"The individual has not appeared before the undersigned as he is reportedly residing in Abu Dhabi. This certificate is being issued on the request of his Brother (with my brother's name and CNIC number)."

saleem7821 said:

i am processing PCC from SSP office lahore. but i am away from Home station and brother is submitting my file.
SSP office if put the stamp " issued in absence " is it okay or make any difficulty for me ?
Please advise seniors

Abu Hassaan

Champion Member
Oct 27, 2013
Job Offer........
Congratulations Riabuz and good luck for smooth landing and early settlement in Canada.

riabuz said:
Dear Friends,

I have received the Passport with COPR Yesterday. AlhamDulilAh.
but there is an issue ; CIC London didnt send the Original documents (educational) as it was previously conveyed at the time of ppr stage 1,
what should i do?

thank you for your help.


Abu Hassaan

Champion Member
Oct 27, 2013
Job Offer........

You medical results will take little bit more time to get uploaded as compared to "eMedical Enabled" hospital but the purpose will be served.

rammm said:
Thanks for the reply.

I am presently in Oman and here mentioned hospitals are not e enabled. However when I contacted Hospital today they told me that medicals after completions in Oman goes to Indian CHC and then they update it to London.


Star Member
May 19, 2014
homeascanada said:
Hi flocks,
By the grace of Allah and prayers of parents Golden email from LVO was sitting in my inbox from June 27, just saw it few minutes ago guess was its request for medical, RPRF, PCC for all countries i leaved and updated schedule A from me and my wife. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Wow even medical forms from me and my family.
Friends I was away from this forum for a while so Cong. to all who got their visa, those who got their medical and those who's processing started.
Regarding payment for RPRF LVO has asked to follow below link which state payment can be made online through CC, Any one received this instruction from LVO as I know RPRF need to be online as DD.
Hope rest of the journey for all of us will be fast and smooth.
Now looks dreams of Homeascanada will be true :p :p :p.

Congratulations Homeascanada!

Abu Hassaan

Champion Member
Oct 27, 2013
Job Offer........

Since your application has been put into processing, therefore your application fee won't be refunded. If you have paid RPRF already, you can get it refunded.

blacknight said:
Hi Guys,

Is there any procedure for the refund if I withdraw my application. I need to mention here that recently, I have received request for Medicals, RPRF, PCC and updated Schedule A form for me and my wife.

I am thinking for refund as My Ausi immigration is almost done and hopefully will be getting Grant this week.

Any guidelines regarding for further processing/not processing of Canadian PR are welcome by respected forum members.


Star Member
Jun 4, 2014
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
msaeed said:
Dear Mates

Allah Ka Shukar Hai

Allah Kareem

Today I have got my Passports with Visas and COPR . Visas are valid till May 2015.

I am grateful to Al Mighty Allah , who has given me strength through out this procedure , that for me was a test of Patience and Character . I believe that I have tried my best to meet this challenge , and pass on this experience of “Waiting With Faith” to my children's , and possibly to next generations.

I am thankful to all of you , who has supported me , and celebrated my all levels of processing , like it was yours.

Insha Allah I will be regularly contributing on this forum , and am at back n call of the ones who need me , for this immigration process and for settling in Canada.

Jazak Allah Khair

Stay Blessed[/right]
Many Congratulations msaeed... Finally your deep patience has led this whole process towards its sweet conclusion.

Abu Hassaan

Champion Member
Oct 27, 2013
Job Offer........
Congratulations ARASH on PPR1.

ASRAH said:
Hi mates,

i just got below email "your application has reached the final stage of processing. The issuance of your permanent resident visa will be a two step process.
Step 1: Follow the instructions in this letter to submit the requested items to our office in London. Once we have reviewed them, we will send you instructions for the second step within 6 weeks.
Step 2: Your visa will be issued at our Abu Dhabi office. Do not submit your passport to our Abu Dhabi office until you receive instructions to do so. The Abu Dhabi office cannot issue your visa before we instruct them to do so. (If you submit your passport early, before receiving our instructions, it will be returned to you without a visa.)"

Is this It ?


Champion Member
May 8, 2013
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
23-05-2013 PER Rec'd...: 07-08-2013
Doc's Request.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
PPR1:23-09-2014, PPR2: 20-10-2014
homeascanada said:
Hi flocks,
By the grace of Allah and prayers of parents Golden email from LVO was sitting in my inbox from June 27, just saw it few minutes ago guess was its request for medical, RPRF, PCC for all countries i leaved and updated schedule A from me and my wife. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Wow even medical forms from me and my family.
Friends I was away from this forum for a while so Cong. to all who got their visa, those who got their medical and those who's processing started.
Regarding payment for RPRF LVO has asked to follow below link which state payment can be made online through CC, Any one received this instruction from LVO as I know RPRF need to be online as DD.
Hope rest of the journey for all of us will be fast and smooth.
Now looks dreams of Homeascanada will be true :p :p :p.
Congrats homeascanada :)



Star Member
Jul 11, 2013
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
CC charged on Oct. 1, 2013
PER on Oct. 4, 2013
Med's Request
Med & RPRF received on: June 28, 2014
Med's Done....
July 10,2014 but updated 3rd line on Aug. 4, 2014
Passport Req..
Sept. 25, 2014
Oct. 7, 2014
March 2015 PR Cards received: July 2015

Abu Hassaan

Champion Member
Oct 27, 2013
Job Offer........

It is totally possible. Good luck buddy.

barcomi said:

Can medical exam be done in other country than the one of current residence?

I'm on holiday next week, and if I receive the forms I'd like to do it whilst I'm away ...


Champion Member
Sep 8, 2011
tarunbhardwaj84 said:
Hello everyone,

I have a very similar response as joe83.

I recieved the email on june 27th from ldnimmigration that they are not satisfied with my proof for work experience in noc 2147. I am a systems engineer / network engineer. I had submitted all documents such as offer letters, job descriptions, bank statements with proof of salary deposits, visas for all employers.

The below letter is what i recieved:

In your schedule 3 you have indicated that you performed the duties of National Occupational Classification (NOC) code 2147, which you have identified as your primary occupation, from 2008 to the date of your application. I have reviewed the documents you submitted including the job description from X company and the explanation for not providing other proof of employment. I note also that you have not submitted documents to substantiate your employment at Y company and you have not explained why.

Based on the documents and information on file, I am not satisfied that you have performed a substantial number of the main duties, including all of the essential duties, and the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation of *NOC 2147 Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)* and I am not satisfied that the work performed was at the 0, A or B level. I am therefore not satisfied that you meet the minimum requirements.

The duties of your employment, as listed in your job description and schedule 3, from xx year to present do not appear to correspond to the actions and duties of NOC 2147. You have also not provided sufficient evidence of employment and of performing the actions and duties of NOC 2147 during the period from year /mm to year/mm.

However, I am able to grant you 30 days to provide any additional information or documentation you wish to further support your application and prove that you do in fact meet these requirements/criteria. You are invited to submit sufficient proof of employment from year /mm to year/mm and sufficient proof that you performed the actions and duties of NOC 2147. You must also provide sufficient proof and explanation of how you performed the actions and duties of NOC 2147 from year/mm to present. Sufficient proof of employment may include such documents as original employment contracts, offers of employment, proof of remuneration paid into your bank account, tax documents and any correspondence from your declared employers to you. You may also submit any other information you deem fit to support your declaration that you perform the actions and duties of NOC 2147.

The information and/or documentation you submit must be sufficient to clearly demonstrate that the above definition is/definitions are met. Should you not respond within 30 days, your application will be assessed based on the information we have on file at that time, and may lead to a refusal of your application.

If you do not respond to this request within 30 days as of the date you received this letter, your application will be assessed based on the information currently on file and may result in the refusal of your application.

Sincerely, Immigration Officer

Any suggestions?

I am working on asking my employers to create detailed jd to assist with this requirement and in addition will be resubmitting all documents submitted earlier.

Appreciate all your help.
Hi Tarun,

I look at your case like this.

First thing first these computer NOC like 2147 and 2174 are very very tricky NOC. And the people try to manipulate these NOC by hook or by crook, I am sorry I am not pointing you for anything, but literally I have seen people doing like this.

These NOC are always in question due to the similarity with the counterpart NOC. For example person working as ‘DBA' or ‘Systems Side' except network side can easily modify the duties and make himself under the 2147 or somehow in 2174, it all depends how smart you are.

And this is what VO's are specialized in finding the hidden facts.

So what all I want to say is they have doubt that the duties you are performing within your present company are not in line with 2147 NOC main duties, if you are seriously performing the duties under this but your last letter didn't clearly states that, you just need to revise this and send the updated one. I suggest you to get the duties checked by someone here like Maria's husband is from same NOC Luqi is also form same NOC.

Telling you all this to have this in mind while submitting revised docs, this will make you understand why they have asked you for more information.

And the most important, do submit the examination letter that why you have changed the duties this time and why you have not submitted this before.

Wish you all the very best.

Abu Hassaan

Champion Member
Oct 27, 2013
Job Offer........

I would say that your friend has made a mistake by hiding the information from CIC. Well, there was no harm to mention about that job but not in Schedule 3 Form rather in Schedule A Form. It is upto the applicant if he/she wants to claim points for a certain job or not. If an applicant decides not to claim points for a certain job, it must not be listed in Schedule 3 Form. But Schedule A Form has a section called "History"; everything must be reported there. The jobs which are not listed on Schedule 3 Form, reference letters and other documents are not required to be submitted for those jobs.

Similarly, all travels must be reported in Travel Information Form. If CHC London will verify the travel records from UAE; both travels will be shown up and a clarification will be asked. If your friend would be able to satisfy them, then he will go through.

If I will be at your friend's place, I would immediately fill in the related forms again and send it to visa office proactively along with a written explanation to apologize saying that I missed it unintentionally.

navali said:

I would like to have few questions regarding FSW application of my very close friend....

He worked in a company A for 3-4 months and reigned / left the company after that around 7-8 years ago. However, the company was a small company and he had no documentation at all for that company like no contract, no offer letter, no salary slips etc...Also the company is closed since several years ago. So In his application, he did not mention about this job considering that he has no proof of that job. During his job in this company, he also visited to UAE for a training. As he did not mention the job, so he did not mention this travel to UAE as well.

However, later on while he was working for another company B, he visited UAE again through this company B. This was his 2nd travel to UAE and this time he showed this 2nd company and the travel to UAE in his application.

Will it make any problem? He got his Medical in April and currently his application is under security checking. How is travel history get verified by CHC/London Visa office? Do the check each country by country as shown on the travel history? While checking his UAE travel, will it appear that he traveled 2 times but showed only 1 time? If travel is revealed means his job will be revealed as well or no? What should he do? Any recommendations?

Abu Hassaan

Champion Member
Oct 27, 2013
Job Offer........
Congratulation Homeascanada and good luck in speedy processing ahead.

homeascanada said:
Hi flocks,
By the grace of Allah and prayers of parents Golden email from LVO was sitting in my inbox from June 27, just saw it few minutes ago guess was its request for medical, RPRF, PCC for all countries i leaved and updated schedule A from me and my wife. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Wow even medical forms from me and my family.
Friends I was away from this forum for a while so Cong. to all who got their visa, those who got their medical and those who's processing started.
Regarding payment for RPRF LVO has asked to follow below link which state payment can be made online through CC, Any one received this instruction from LVO as I know RPRF need to be online as DD.
Hope rest of the journey for all of us will be fast and smooth.
Now looks dreams of Homeascanada will be true :p :p :p.

awai ali

Champion Member
May 30, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
November 2011
Doc's Request.
March 2013
File Transfer...
April 2012
Med's Request
March 2014
Med's Done....
April 2014
February 2014
Passport Req..
PPR1 and PPR2 in June with gap of 10 days .....
ما شاء الله ,الحمد لله......July 2014......
September 2014...Living Happily in Vancouver B.C.
Abu Hassaan said:

I would say that your friend has made a mistake by hiding the information from CIC. Well, there was no harm to mention about that job but not in Schedule 3 Form rather in Schedule A Form. It is upto the applicant if he/she wants to claim points for a certain job or not. If an applicant decides not to claim points for a certain job, it must not be listed in Schedule 3 Form. But Schedule A Form has a section called "History"; everything must be reported there. The jobs which are not listed on Schedule 3 Form, reference letters and other documents are not required to be submitted for those jobs.

Similarly, all travels must be reported in Travel Information Form. If CHC London will verify the travel records from UAE; both travels will be shown up and a clarification will be asked. If your friend would be able to satisfy them, then he will go through.

If I will be at your friend's place, I would immediately fill in the related forms again and send it to visa office proactively along with a written explanation to apologize saying that I missed it unintentionally.
Absultely right abu hassan even if applicant had been refused any visa in the world .......and does not mentioned ........Canadian finds it .....and must ask for concealing of information .......