Flipping over the pages of the thread, there has been loads of updates on the forum. sincere congratulations to Maria, Mish, MM2, Pharmacist, Veejay, sach, etc etc so numerous to mention. Wishing you all peaceful and prosperous settlement/landing. Faster progress for those expecting MR/PPR. My prayers are always with Rawdah, Luqi, Mab etc and so many others in this special patience classroom. God will shorten further processing and quick movement will start quickly too.
I apprecaite the effort in place for get together , What a lovely community of exceptional Forumite. This spirit of oneness will continue even after we arrive our dreamland. " wish we can all be located in the same community in our new land"
Dear Moncherie, I also booked for the London CIIP GO session on the 16th. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Any PPR this week at all from any VO ?