Sponsor (Citizen) lives outside Canada with Principal Applicant.
Sponsor last "lived" in Canada in 1999.
Sponsor went to Canada in 2010 and got SIN card made, Ontario Photo ID and Health Card. It was a 20-day visit and sponsor came back after the visit. Does Ontario Photo ID and Health Card mean one was a resident when one got them?
Now, Form IMM5532E Sponsorship Evaluation and Relationship Questionnaire
When did you last live in Canada? ___________ Is it ok for the Sponsor to write 1999 in this. Can CIC point out that SIN card, and Ontario photo ID and health card were issued in 2010 and imply that sponsor had lived in Canada in 2010 when sponsor got these documents. It was only for 20 days. Any potential trouble?
Sponsor last "lived" in Canada in 1999.
Sponsor went to Canada in 2010 and got SIN card made, Ontario Photo ID and Health Card. It was a 20-day visit and sponsor came back after the visit. Does Ontario Photo ID and Health Card mean one was a resident when one got them?
Now, Form IMM5532E Sponsorship Evaluation and Relationship Questionnaire
When did you last live in Canada? ___________ Is it ok for the Sponsor to write 1999 in this. Can CIC point out that SIN card, and Ontario photo ID and health card were issued in 2010 and imply that sponsor had lived in Canada in 2010 when sponsor got these documents. It was only for 20 days. Any potential trouble?