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Letter of invitation - normal visit


Full Member
May 20, 2012
Hi this is not for a supervisa but just a normal visit (2 weeks) to see family.

1. Apparantly in this case i need to get a letter of invitation from the person we are going to visit. Does their letter need to say 'Dear visa officer' or 'Dear (MY name)' ? Some of the examples i've seen on the net (cannot post links!) say 'dear visa officer', some say 'to whom it may concern'..

2. And about the purpose of visit: is just to visit family and spend time with them for 2 weeks - is that enough detail to include on the letter, if not how much more detail is required, more specific?



VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
Job Offer........
The invitation letter goes with the application to Visa Office, but it is not necessary to be addressed to the visa officer. The inviting person in Canada can address the letter to the invitee ex: Dear Dad, Mom or name.

The purpose of visit can be For pleasure, tour, spending holidays and sight seeing, visiting family members etc as applicable.

For more details, please read this :



Full Member
May 20, 2012
Thank you!

Does anyone know what kind of details need to be included for •Details on accommodation and living expenses.

There wont be any accomodation charges as we are visiting family and any other living expenses like food, sight-seeing will be covered by myself - so if the inviting person was to include this level of detail for this question is it sufficient?



Full Member
May 20, 2012
One other thing.. do the below details have to be included (if not for a super visa)

•Details of your family unit, including names and dates of birth of your spouse and dependants (this is mandatory for the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa);
•Total number of people residing in your household, including those you have previously sponsored and whose sponsorship is still in effect (this is mandatory for the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa)

It says mandatory for SuperVisa. But if the above is not included for normal visit (TRV), does it really matter?


VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
Job Offer........
For normal TRV ( not for parent's Super visa ) the invitation letter should show that you will meet all the basic living expenses of the visitor - ( includes accommodation, food, travel etc ). If there is a travel insurance being taken for the visitor add that too.

It is not essential to explain all the details mentioned in your question. The visa officer ensures that the visitor has sufficient funds or support for his living in Canada during the visit. That is the reason for asking several questions. If your visitor can show sufficient financial background or prove support from family or relative in Canada, it will of course help.


Full Member
May 20, 2012
Thanks again Wilson.

I am going to meet the entire costs related to the visit. What I am unsure of is, when it comes to accomodation fees. Our relatives in Canada wont be charging us to stay with them (only 2 weeks). So when they state that I will cover all expenses for accomodation and living, it doesnt make sense, as there wont be any accomodation costs (i.e. they wont be charging for room/board)

hope this makes sense lol :)


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
There is so much anxiety over the invitation letter and really, it doesn't appear to carry much weight. The VO still expects the visitor to have enough money to support themselves. There is no legal commitment on the part of the invitee to pay all the costs of your accommodation. What happens if you have an argument and they say "please leave our house"? The letter could include some itinerary - what you plan to see and do, apart from "visiting friends/family". Make the REASON for travel compelling....but NOT SO COMPELLING that the VO will think you may not leave, LOL.
The REAL ISSUE here is not the letter and the financials of the invitors, but the VISITOR'S TIES TO HOME COUNTRY. If the visitors have little money and have to rely on the invitors to provide for them, it shows that they are not well established in the home country. Show a solid job with letter from your boss describing holiday period and expectation of your return. Show home ownership, family members, bank savings and investments.
PREVIOUS TRAVEL HISTORY is another critical element. Having previous travel shows not only that you have a pattern of going away and returning home, but also that you have the financial ability to travel. Further indicates your establishment in the home country.
Hope all this makes sense. Good Luck!


Full Member
May 20, 2012
Pippin, thanks for your answer. There won't be any problems as we have a lot of ties to our home country and have all the documents in order and enough fees. You're right there is a lot of anxiety over the letter but I guess its the same with the entire application. Theres alot of info to include and we all want to ensure all the information has been provided correctly! :)

So, with regards to 'details on accomodation/living expenses' on the invitation letter, I guess if the person who is inviting us simply states that we (ME) will cover all accomodation and living costs, that should be sufficient? How much detail does the VO want included on the letter about this factor? Theres not much of an itenerary for 2 weeks, just visiting family and perhaps some tourismy sight seeing days! I hope that is enough detail for the VO

Thanks, ;D


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
I doubt the VO is expecting you to do a breakdown of the groceries, LOL, but you might include a bit of itinerary (which special places to see?) Sounds like you've got it well in hand. All the best.


Full Member
May 20, 2012
Sorry another question LOL :-X

On the checklist (London) it states: Explain the purpose of your trip - details of your itinerary in Canada, letter of invitation from the person or business you will visit, registration at a conference, letter from your employer, …as applicable.

Does this mean I include letter of invitation sent by the person in Canada as well as my own details on the itinerary .. or just the letter of invitation will be enough - if the purpose is to see family?

This process seems to go on forever LOL :eek:
Thank you :)


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
I would include your OWN reasons for travel. We sent an invitation letter to our friend. He included his own reasons for the trip which the VO said were NOT COMPELLING...so just be sure you don't say "we want to go and play on the beach" as they obviously don't think Canada has any worth visiting.
Yes, it does go on forever and hopefully at the end, you will get what you need. Good Luck.


Full Member
May 20, 2012
Thanks again! One last thing, on the actual application form it asks for people we will be visiting, there are about 3-4 aunties and uncles we will visit but we;ll be officially staying with one relative (just visiting the rest). does this mean I only have to have one letter of invitation - from the person we are staying with, or all the people we are visiting?

thanks pippin :)


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
Next thing you know, we'll be lined up WITH all the aunties and uncles waiting for you at the airport, LOL......One invitation letter will be sufficient.


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
HA HA! and you thought you'd heard the last of me??? The list of people you are going to visit. There was a psting some months back about people to be visited and someone on the list was either out of status or something that sent up flags. You might want to try to find it for a read. Hopefully, all the aunties and uncles have their ducks in a row and won't cause you any grief.