I just checked MYCIC account and the details of my application in the home page says

I literally checked an hour ago and it only said "Submitted". I will probably be getting the approval email in the next day or so.
Let me explain to you my story and what had happened yesterday.
Here is my timeline:
Applied: May 5th
Paid $100: Aug 20th (Via MYCIC online request)
Blank Update: July 23rd, July 31st
Current Status:
October 22 (Almost 6 months!!)
I originally applied from the east coast but I moved to Northern Ontario for work. I called CIC when my application passed the processing time (Around Mid September) and they told me that they did all they could and I shouldn't call again for 3 months. I, very recently, attempted to contact the MP responsible for my area in ON and I was not very successful in getting through. (Emails were ignored and phone calls were not answered). :-\ It was extremely frustrating.
I finally gave up yesterday evening and I called the MP responsible for the area that I originally applied from. They were extremely helpful and understanding when I explained to them my situation. An hour later I get this email from them:
"As discussed on the phone, I have contacted CIC Ministerial Inquiries regarding your post-grad work permit.
Your application was received on May 5 and they are currently working on applications received May 16. She could see from the notes that a request had been sent to you several weeks ago, and you did comply with the request. There does not seem to be anything outstanding on your application, but it is still being reviewed. The liaison will flag the file for follow up so that hopefully will get things moving.
I also verified that your current address is on your file, so there should not be any issue with receiving your visa.
If you have not heard anything in 14 days, you are welcome to contact us again."
The request she was talking about is for the Open Work Permit payment and because I moved to ON I had requested CIC to change my address.
Not even 24 hours after receiving that email my application status got changed to approved!!
Contact your MPs people!! (only if you're applicaion is past the processing time Lol). I originally didn't want to bother anyone since I was employed (I figured people really need their help more than I do) but my contract is ending soon. Also, I am currently applying for jobs and it's extremely difficult for foreign workers to find employment let alone ones without a valid work permit.
I'll update you guys when I receive my permit paper.
Another shout out to jubear!! Keep up the great work. Your updates and this forum were extremely helpful!