No problem, Joe. I'm glad I can help. If you need anything else let me know. Allison
1) US Driver did you get this? Did you go to each State DMV for where you lived for the last 10 years?
Yes, I called to find out the process and the fee and then sent a form downloaded from their website with a money order. The last state I was licensed in was Arkansas and they only keep records for three years. I just asked them to state this on the record they sent. It was accepted by my insurance company as sufficient.
2) Insurance......I have the letter from my current insurance company regarding claims, but they couldn't provide the driving record
Correct. Insurance can only provide a claims record.My record only went back to 2005.Insurance also accepted this.
3) From what I am reading, I need to import the car at Lewiston, is that correct? I am assuming they don't do imports at the Peace Bridge location?
I just happened to use Lewiston most often and knew I could do it there. I don't know about Peace personally, but a quick Google search found
The following services are offered at this [Peace] bridge: Courier Low Value Shipments Program; Designated Commercial Office; Designated Export Office; Free and secure trade; Highway Land Border office; Immigration; NEXUS Highway; Duty Free shop.
You might try calling the Peace Bridge to inquire.
4) Do I just send them an email with my title info and let them know I intend to import? Or do I need to FAX them a copy of the title?
The fax copies need to go to the US Export office a few days before you export. You do not need to inform Canada Customs beforehand except for when you declare your goods at landing. You will have to list on your B4 form the yr, make, model, color, VIN, country of manufacturer (or maybe that was on import day and not on the landing day) and a value. The officer had a version of the "blue book" and looked up the value for me.
5) Once you imported your car, how long did you have to register it?
I think it is 90 days, but I suggest you check the RIV website.
6) Did you keep your state tags on it until you registered in Ontario? Insurance company said I will need to turn in my NY state tags so I don't get fined.
I kept my plate on the vehicle until I registered in Ontario. South Carolina does not require that plates be returned so I still have it.