Ok well my husband landed in Vancouver yesterday! It was very easy and took only about 15 minutes.
We got to Vancouver around 11:00am. We filled out that customs paper they give you on the plane.
There was no line up at the customs/immigration booths. The lines are divided one side is for Canadians and the other side is for foreigners. So we went through the Canadian side (I am Canadian and my huband is Mexican by the way.)
So we walk up the officer and hand him our passports and customs paper from the plane. I told him that I am Canadian returning to Canada and my husband is landing as a permanent resident. So he said ok, asked what part of Mexico we are coming from and if my husband had his COPR. We said yes. So he scanned the passports and stamped the customs paper and then sent us to an office behind the normal immigration booths.
This office is next to all the baggage carousels on the right. There is a desk there in front of the office and it says IMMIGRATION in big letters so you just tell the person at that desk you are landing as a permanent resident and then they will tell you to go in the office.
You need to go first to the desk at the far end of that office (not the first one you see) and they will give you info about getting health cards and sin numbers and free english classes and immigration services etc... and they might also give you a number for your turn with the immigration officer. (we didn´t get one because it wasn´t busy when we were there)
So then once you finish there you go back to the first desk near the entrance and you go talk to an immigration officer when it´s your turn. So we went to this person and she asked for the COPR and the copy of the COPR (they give you this when you get the COPR), my husband´s passport, my passport (I was allowed to go in there with him and everything), and the customs paper that you filled out on the plane. They will ask you things like your marital status, if you have kids, if you have ever been refused entry to Canada, if you have been to Canada before, if you have a criminal record. They will also get you ti confirm that your address is correct on the COPR. So it might be a good idea to just have your address written already on a paper an djust give that to them. I wasn´t allowed to translate any of this for my husband...but they had a paper with all the questions in spanish so he just read off the paper.
And then she told us to go sit down and wait a few minutes...we waited maybe like 5 minutes or less and then she called us back again. She got my husband to sign the COPR in 3 places, and then sign a copy of it. Then she folded the COPR up and stapled it in his passport and explained that the PR card would be mailed to his address in 5 to 8 weeks and what to do if we need to travel before he gets his card. And that was that!
Then we went out and grabbed our suitcases and passed the customs person who took the customs card and waved us through. They didn´t even look at the B4 forms and they didn´t make us open up our bags or anything.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions that I didn´t answer here.