Hello everyone,
With all yours best wishes we have landed Calgary on 18 Sep 2012 eve.
Will like to thanks this foroum for helping me time to time and making our dreams come true.
Sorry as I was disappear from this foroum since few weeks as was busy in day to days work understanding Canadian system and time with my daughter and Pregnent wife.
So now story begin :
We have taken Transit Air flight from Manchaster to Calgary.
No dougbt this airline is best Value of money, we have paid extra £45 for Option One which allow us extra snacks, extra 10 KG luggage ( so now 33 kg in 2 peices instead of 1 piece 23 KG ) and Priority Check in.
Air transit uk number is - 02076169187.
There website is www.canadianaffairs.com
Cargo number and enail address are :
mark @ clipper.co.uk
They had pick my stuff from home for Additional £ 98.50
Just call them for quote .
Regarding our other household stuff , this airline got option to take extra bags for £ 60 each 23 Kg piece.
Though we choose to Cargo our 20 boxes of 20-25 kg each which cost us total 980£ extra.
When we landed at Calgary International Airport, at 5:30. pm, at airport , officer has ask us to go to Special check in for Immigration window, there Lady ask us to show our passport and COPR and she stamp our passport , and fill details on COPR and then ask us to sign them in front of her, at last she CONGRALTS us on being Ca PR.
Then she divert us towards baggage collection and ask her to go to custom from there.
( no one ask about any other paper and nothing about funds till this time)
We collect our baggage and went to custom where they have taken list of goods we bring with us and stamp all receipt and list (they give us one form to fill which we already got with us).
Then custom officer ask list about goods to follow , and once he got list and receipt he went behind photo copy room, and we sit at chairs waiting for him, he came back after 30 min with all copy and then return us all originals with barcode sticker and stamp on list and goods to follow forms.
Please do try to List/mention any expensive things which you want to bring in Canada in future as while landing they will stamp whatever you tell them .
As we got just $ 1000 cash with us all all remaining funds in Thomas cook canada $ MasterCard / and in UK bank account so custom officer ask me not to fill that money deceleration form as its less then 10,000$ with us.
We straight went to hotel (we book for 3 night ) , (hotel Van come to pick us free of charge).
It's $120 a night hotel with free breakfast, free Internet, free local phone. Rooms where 4 bed and big .
Next day we Stayed in hotel room most of time just speaking to hotel staff (who is Indian and Pak ) about city .
In evening I went to nearby area in Asian store and enquire about houses etc.
Here in Alberta public transport is expensive - monthly passes are from 1st to 30 of every month for $96 so as we left just 10 days in month so we bought 10 ticket books which is for $27.50 (2.75 is 1 ticket which is valid for 90 min travel )
Next day I went to Malborough Mall which is just 2 stop away and spend couple of hours understanding sim cards, Canadian mobile services are ripp off, they charge for incoming and advertise there plan with feature like 'free incoming text ', all main network like Roger,Bell,Fido , Kodo and virgin looks crazy expensive.
Best 2 where - wind and Mobilicity but they don't support GSM handset so last one left for me is Chatter which cost $20 for sim card and $ 35 for unlimited Canada wide calls and text mgs (without data).
Later week I bought one 7-11 sim card for $10 which give unlimited data for my iPhone/iPad for $ 10 a month (with restriction that whatsapp, Skype, iMessage and viber won't work on that data) .
After getting mobile sim I went searching for home, then found why every one say about basement.
Houses available on rent are in two part - main floor of house or basement .
2 bed houses are approx $ 1100 to 1400 per month plus 60% of bills and basement are approx 800-900 a month either inclusive or 40% of bills.
Best place to looks at Asian stores where people advertise there house , also you can look at kijiji.ca and rent faster .ca. But good houses gone in rent within 24 hours of there advertisement.
I do got one broker (Pakistani punjabi guy) but I found him excessive rude and expensive , at last after looking at 8 different house and basement and after speaking over 25 landlord on phone who told that there property already gone , I found 2 places in my Budgt but by time I call my wife to see those places those also gone ( never thought that it's so much demand of rental house ) .
Now it's morning to check out and when during breakfast at 8 I tell hotel guy that I want to extend my stay he told me that all rooms are booked and he can't give any room even for $200, all he can do is to allow me late check out at 3 instead of 12 noon.
I got bit worried and went to nearby hotel to book room ( really feeling very exhausted ) and then I went to Asian Punabi supermarket for one more try , luckily I found one 2 BHK basement advertisement and I called landlord , lady told me to come over and see property and I catch next bus straight to there area.
When I went there , Landlord is showing property to other family and they told then that they will tell them in 2 hours, and then they went up and I stayed with land lord, who welcome me and ask about us, when I told him that I in country for just 3 day and got one child in family then he ask that when can I move and I told him in next hour, he told me that as you new so we can give you this 2BHK basement for $ 800 as you just remember me of my time when I came to this country 12 year back with my wife.
And listening that I give him $300 as token and told him how much more he need and he said that's enough.
House is nice clean basement, landlord living upstairs. But here unfurnished means not even bed.
I called my wife in hotel and ask her to stay ready , and then in next 1 hour we in our new house.
Feeling so relax , then I buy one Queen bed with mattress on kijiji delivered for 200 $ .
Next day bought microwave , sofa and dining table from kijiji too.
Then in evening I goes to cargo office and get my paper works and go to custom office where they stamp without any issue, courtesy land lord I get one truck for $ 40 to bring all 20 cartoons including my TV and utensils etc from cargo office to home.
In evening we went Safeway for shopping and realise Canada is much more expensive then UK
Bread - $2.30 instead of 1£
15 Egg - $ 4.99 instead of 2£
4 L milk $ 4.99 instead of £2.20
On top when we buy rice and dal etc that found to be over 2.5 rates then compare to UK.
Later landlord told about cheaper stores - superstore, Walmart and no frills (still things are 50% expensive compare to UK).
I went to RBC and open bank account , they offer 6 month free banking, free bank locker and $1000 credit card to me and my wife each.
Then I went to Malborough Mall at Services to Newcomer and apply for SIN number, lady has given that in 10 min and told me that I will receiving card soon.
Next is Registry office where it's took us 30 min wait then 5 min in counter to apply for health card and exchange our UK driving licence for full Canadian licence (here its cost us $86 approx as licence fee) lady given us our new licence number immidiately and told us that we will receive licence in post in next 7 days.
Next day we registered ourself in neighbouring practice (Dr) . Which is again very easy and welcoming. After our short interview Dr ask us to get done few blood test so that he can create our file and call us next week for full physical examination.
next day we went to nearby school for our daughter admission and they ask us to go to Reception centre , where I went next morning and after looking at my child passport and landing paper they registered her to our neighbour school giving us addmission form, and in evening once I given that admission form in school they told us about fee (tuition $50 for year and $187 for a year lunch supervision fee if we don't want to take our daughter to home for lunch ). next morning was first days for my daughter school.
Today is our 19 th day here in Canada, all what we doing is shopping and arranging house , spending time in understanding things.
Since last few days I am spending time looking for Car or SUV . On Kijiji , auto trader and with local dealers.
I haven't start looking for Job yet, but notice that Job at Macdonald, Petrol pumps and super market are easily available (advertise ) for $10-14 so if anyone want to start working from first week then there is something always there, I hope some good technical jobs are too available in city .
Child benefits - when i went for school registry office , after admission procedure finish one other lady come to me and she introduce herself as community support advisor , she given me child benefits form and told me to fill it and send it to enclosed address. She told me this is Prov child benefits which will base on your previous year family income abroad (they will accept figure u give ) and lesser you income last year more you get money as child benefit. Then she told me that she will meet us again in 2 week for other things like Child benefits from central govt etc .
Here bank charge money for transection or some fix monthly fee .
Following bank offers free banking to newcomer :
RBC - 6 month free bank , 1 year free locker and 1000$ CC
BMO - 12 month free bank , 1 year free locker , secure CC.
ABT - 12 month free bank acc.
Scotia bank - 12 month free bank , 1 year free locker , 1000$ CC.
Regarding applying for PR card , i did by fax after a week of landing and once got my perm address.
You can fax that 1 page form from any STAPLES store for $1.54 .
Yup, I do recommend people to bring ac adaptor/converter plugs to use your foreign plugs pin in Canada plugs.
Do bring / Cargo all your good light weight utensils, if any good LED Tv, warm cloths, spices , medicines , cloths ESP jackets , shoes, childern toys etc With you . It's worth paying £2.50 per KG in cargo as firstly things expensive here, secondly it will cost you even more in buying them and bringing them home in taxi as you wont know much about places nor you can bring heavy stuff in Bus . Also do bring some food stuff like 2-3 KG of pulsess , rice , noodles etc for first couple of day cooking.
Don't bother bringing your mobile unless it's expensive phone like S3 or iPhone. Or even that sell it in your country as here Non GSM phones plans only give value of money.
Calling card- it's cheap to Call India , you will get $2.50 calling card which are good to speak 150-200 min .
it's approx 2:15 am here now (over 3 hours sitting and typing on my iPad ) .
I tried to mention lots of things which I experience , please do email me if you had any question .
I can say one thing , Canada feels like home, very welcoming and friendly people.
Ufff, one more thing which I just remember , I was doing saving of 150-200£ every month since couple of year on Thomas Cook Canadian $ currencey card while in UK , so while Landing I got balance of approx $6000 on it.
It is free to use and widely accept on shops, free of cost as money you held in it is already converted to $ , best thing is that if you walk in any Scotia bank branch then you can withdraw $1000 in one go so it just cost fee of $3.50 for one cash withdraw and you can withdraw upto 3000 in a day . I found it useful as no other cash machine allow to withdraw more then 500 $ in single transaction.
Secondary I am using my uk bank visa debit card here without any problem but if you have Mastero card then be warn as you won't find places to use it in Canada .
At last I can say I never had good writing skills so if you found it boaring, useless or time waste then I am sorry , please ignore spelling mistake and Grammer too . but if it's of any use then do give me +1 as your thanks.

Good nite.
thanks aquib u shared good experience which is helpful for the newcomers