Thank you so much amikety for your instant reply and a wonderful advice so nicely explained.
You have suggested to take a hotel for few days can you please suggest some cheap and best hotels.
One more thing i want to ask you is it compulsory to sign a lease for one year because initially i want to enter a three month lease to start then
renewable. And you said there is an apartment near your residence please give the address i will contact them but we are four people that is couple
with two children can we allowed to take one bedroom apartment .
You have suggested to take a hotel for few days can you please suggest some cheap and best hotels.
One more thing i want to ask you is it compulsory to sign a lease for one year because initially i want to enter a three month lease to start then
renewable. And you said there is an apartment near your residence please give the address i will contact them but we are four people that is couple
with two children can we allowed to take one bedroom apartment .