It all depends on the type of accommodation you are living.
If you live in an
apartment (high rise), you will not pay for heating, water (and may be electricity). They are included in your rent. There is no refuse disposal cost as far as I know.
In GTA (Greater Toronto Area), phone, cable and Internet prices depend on your provider and usage.
We use internet a lot in my house and I am paying $67 and basic cable package - $44 (all before 13% tax).
On mobile phone, it is more complicated. There are local, provincial and Canada wide packages. Data, voicemail, caller ID features also increase the price. The bigger companies charged $50+ for Canada wide package. However, there are small companies with cheaper prices. I am paying $22.5 for Canada wide calling, unlimited global text, & all other features.
Transport is a major issue when it comes to cost (my opinion). Depends on the size and composition of your family.
If you have children, a car or van is inevitable. My annual auto insurance costs more than my van.
Don't be moved. I observed that people here are not complaining. You will be fine by God's grace.
If you get plenty children, say 10 - 12 children, you don become millionaire be that through child benefit.
Best wishes