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Nov 8, 2010
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fernendez said:
I tend my unreserved apologies to everyone. UNITED WE STAND!
It was about time Fernendez :eek:
Much Kudos for your bravery; for only the courageous seek re-dress. :)

By the way, your rebellion kind of made this thread popular 8) 8)


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Thanks Barsindoo,he had learnt his lesson in a very crude way.My weekend was good and l bless the name of the Lord. Nice week.lg


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Sep 26, 2010
Spokes and IG, i just decided to spice the thread up and now i don mellow before them tear me to pieces or no give me babe for this thread again!!lol


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I guess we prefer it this way than writing in full, your sins are forgiven lol very glad that you said that word 'am sorry' it actually takes inner strength to say it. Like Spokes said your post have popularized this thread to that i say thank you lol.

@RN thanks again for your contribution please we wait to hear from you as much as practicable.

@Seglad/Oloye/Barsindo Trust you guys are doing great sure cant wait to visit Canada sometimes before the year runs out

To others please lets be optimistic that Accra will wake up in the coming days



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Oct 4, 2007
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Fern: One love! We are only trying to put things straight. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours

Tinu: We shall be glad to have you here any time. Be it b4 the PR visa or when you land with the PR visa . Canada is big enough to accomodate all of us and even more.

Ig: Bawo ni?



Star Member
Jan 28, 2010
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@ Mrs U, yes, why dont we try to publish a book together on immigrating to Canada from A to Z. Every 2 years we will make a newer edition as there are always changes to immigration laws on CIC. We will sell it for just 50bucks (or 10,000 naira) to prospective immigrants, covering issues including things to consider before migrating, immigration streams, putting together a successful application, preparing to come to Canada, settling and integration in Canada. At least it will be cheaper than the around 1000 dollars to 1500 dollars immigration agents charge. And I think those people most of the time are crooks. (Im just kidding about the book deal, but I know someone will grab this idea.)

Adeola... You are welcome. My pleasure. I have also found help from other people on this forum.

Now, unto driving in Canada and drivers licence.

When you arrive in Canada, you will be able to use your Nigerian drivers license to drive for the first 60 days. Please note that the international drivers license obtained from Nigeria is not recognized in Canada. Do not use your money to get it (it will be a waste of money). What you need is your Nigerian drivers license.

To drive after 60 days, you will need to get a drivers license. In Ontario, there is a 3 step process to get a full drivers license. First you take a written test, which qualifies you for a learners license (a G1 licence). To drive with this, you need someone with a full drivers licence to always be beside you when you drive (this is the law but it doesnt mean its the practical thing people do). Then, normally, you need to wait a year or so and pass a road test before you get your G2 licence. With G2, you can drive by yourself but I believe there are some restrictions. If you come with a drivers licence from Nigeria with 1 year driving experience, you can submit it to the embassy, get a letter from the nigeiran embassy and you will be able to write the exam anytime without waiting for a year. If you have 2 years or more driving exprience, as indicated on your nigerian license, you can skill getting a G2 and move the the final stage, G. G is the full drivers lience. To get it, there is a road test which includes driving on the highway.

Also, to drive in Canada, you need a car insurance. Car insurance can be expensive. While some people pay like $70 for their insurance, others pay like $800. It depends on your years of North American driving experience (hence Nigerian driving experience does not ususually help), the area you live in (if you live outside toronto area, it will be cheaper), the car you want to insure, the market value of the car, the security features of the car, etc. I think a realistic amount for a new immigrant less than 1 year Canadian will probably be between 200-400

There are insurance compnies that may be lower, others may want to comment on this or correct me if Im wrong.

The price of gas fluctuates. I think it has been between 1 to 1.25 dollars per litre lately (but I may be wrong). People dont adjust the pump like Nigeria. In Canada there may be minor price differnence from one place to another but the pump will not be adjusted. Ooo, in 80-90% of gas stations, you need to buy the gas by yourself. No attendant will do it for you. Most people do not wash cars by themself. If you live in apartment, many have rules that states, you cannot do this. You take it to a car wash, drive it through the car wayh and it cost around $8 to $10. People in Canada do not wash cars like Nigerians even if it is dirty (this may be just my perspective)

About Housing
This website list the priority neighbourhoods in Toronto. Most people in Canada will refer to this neighbourhoods as not the best neighbourhoods, with higher poverty rate, high school drop out, teenage pregnancy, violence, poor health. While this neighbourhoods, may be seen as not the first choice for a family, some people live and grow up in this neighbourhood with much success.

About Networkng and Community
I forgot to add in a previous post, another place to network is the community associations. There are several. Sorry, I am Yoruba this is what I know best, I know there is NIDO(Nigerian in the diaspora organization), nigerian canadian association, yoruba community association, Eko Club, Ife, Ijesa, Ekiti, Ondo. And the list goes on....

About Food
Yes, you will be able to buy most Nigerian foods, but you wont be able to be picky with your Nigerian foods. What I mean is that you will not be able to say, I want this type of Isu or that type of isu. Yam cost 3 (small) for 25 dollars in most places. Do not expect you will eat real pounded Yam, except if you are very lucky during Ekiti Picnic. Pounded yam that is already processed and you make in a pot is readily available. If you like outside toronto, the case is different, depending on where you live.

Time to go to bed, I have an interview tommorrow.

Good luck everyone.
Remain blessed.


Hero Member
Jan 27, 2011
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Dec 2012
Thanks RN,

It was quite educative. I enjoy your posts!

Just out of curiosity - why must u send ur car to a car wash when u can do it urself? I'm sure there must be a reason behind it.

Goodluck on ur interview.



Champion Member
Jul 7, 2009
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Kcsider said:
Thanks RN,

It was quite educative. I enjoy your posts!

Just out of curiosity - why must u send ur car to a car wash when u can do it urself? I'm sure there must be a reason behind it. The cold for a start! Omo you don't want to try it. Also the ease of washing it at the petrol station car wash.

Goodluck on ur interview.


Awoderu A.A

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Jul 22, 2010
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As regards the job issue, i work in the insurance sector here in Nigeria and have been applying to some insurance companies in canada but all the employers keep saying is that i have got a good resume but they do not want to involve them self in the work permit process. Does this indicate better job oppunities for me when i get there? what is the minimum age to work in Canada?


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Jan 28, 2010
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Hello Awoderu,

The minimum age really depends, most people will agree you can work in any job once you are 18 years of age. You can also work if you are 16, but employers have a right to discriminate against you if you are less than 18, once you are above 18, there should be no discrimination based on age, gender, nationality, race etc, This is the law in principle but it may not be in practice. But it would be very rear for someone between the age of 18 and 45 to face discrimination in Canada. With regards to race and nationality, there is the law which may be different from practice (this is not just limited to Canada, its a global phenomenon).

The age 18 is really an important age in Canada. Although age of consent was eliminated in Canada a couple of years ago, but most people in Canada will agree that 18 is almost a time when you are considered an adult. Age 21 is also important, I cannot remember why. But I think their are some restrictions in buying a house by yourself before this age (I may be wrong). If I am wrong there is another reason why 21 is important but other people may want to comment.

Hello KC,
Im not sure that I said, you must send your car to a car wash. I dont think I will use a "must". However, in most apartment buildings and condominiums, you are not allowed to wash your car in the parking lot or on premises. The main reason is ususally because of the issue of having water all over the floor, and I think some buildings too, may think of the water consumption issue. In the winter, a practical reason is that it is very cold. I dont advice anyone to plan to wash cars outside in the months of November to February. But, in the summer, people do wash their cars outside, not the most common, but it happens. There are some car wash where you can wash your car yourself (it is much cheaper). Also, some people who have houses can wash their car in their driveway etc. But I think you should neglect issue of washing cars, I should not have mentioned it. Its not a main issue and should not be a determining factor or something soo important to take into consideration. It is really negligible.

Another thing, domestic violence, beating your wife or beating your husband (very funny) is a NO NO NO in Canada. You can be arrested for it and also go to court and also jail for it. If you currently do, please go to rehab and stop before coming to Canada.

About spanking children. Speaking in terms of the law, spanking is allowed when it does not exceeed what is reasonable under the circumstance. Even with this, it is generally illegal to spank a child under 2 years of age or a child over 12 years of age. I think it is also illegal to spank a child above the neck (e.g. a slap) or on the genitalia. However, even given children between the age of 2 or 12, you can get into a whole lot of trouble in Canada by discipline. This is because reasonable force really has a whole range of variations in definitions and understanding. Those who have children may shed light on this. The problem is when a parent and a child are so much used to relating with spanking, and then all of a sudden they come to Canada and it is severely limited. I will advice that prior to leaving Nigeria, you start devising strategies to discipline your children without the use of force, so that when they get to Canada, they ar not sooo used to only having force to correct them but they will also change negative behaviour by other means. What is encouraged in Canada is time out. I encourage parents with children in Canada to give their comment.
Remain blessed and hope you al hear great news soon.


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it is generally illegal to spank a child under 2 years of age or a child over 12 years of age. I think it is also illegal to spank a child above the neck (e.g. a slap).

Oyinbo too funny oh my people. Anyway we would find a way round it even if it means locking the door and doing the stuff behind closed doors. Oloye how have you been coping? my 9yrs old daughter recently asked me if it is thrue they dont beat kids in the Western world and she concluded by saying " That would be fantastic" and i just laughed. Anyway there would always be a way out


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Jan 28, 2010
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Kc, My interview went well, thank you.

Barsindo, didnt see your post before, yes you are right, it is cold, it is not convenient for you or the owners of the building.


Your 9 year old is funny. Most people do not know the age thing (but they may learn it at school). But it is possible and does happen that children get spanked, they call the police, the police comes and arrest you and the childrens aide society comes to take the child away. If you spank a child and leave a mark, it will most likely be considered beyond reasonable force.

But yeah, I can see how my Naija brothers and sisters are smiling or laughing. The way Nigerians know about discipline is different from the way Canadians think or know about discipline. I work in a pediatric teaching hospital, teaching health care professionals on cultural competency and the care of new immigrant families. The issue is one that parents as well as healthcare professionals struggle with.

Your funny daughter should clearly know that coming to Canada does not mean that she cannot be disciplined but that she cannot legally be disciplined with "unreasonable force".

What else can I say to help fellow Nigerians.
Many ATM cards from Nigeria do not work in Canada. I suggest you think of other means to bring your money. I know that first bank ATM card does not work here. Other people who migrated in the last 5 years may have ideas.

The other thing is, if you are looking for a professional job, the fact that a company advertises a job, does not mean the job is available. It may mean two things, they are looking for someone or they are advertising it (even though they have already hired someone) to demonstrate legally that they are being fair. While you apply directly to companies and organizations, I think using agencies hiring professionals may also be a great advice.

Again, someone said before I mentioned it, network, network, network. Do not shoot yourself in the foot if you are planning to do a graduate program in Canada. You will most likely need reference from your professors in Nigeria for this.

Canada is really a good country generally. I believe it will be one of the 5 most peaceful in the world. The only thing is the weather. For immigrants, the other thing is getting a job in ones profession.

Has anyone on the forum visited Canada before, What is needed in Nigeria for the person in canada to submit . I have read online and it seems the only thing required from the person in Canada is a letter and also a citizenship card or pr card. Is there anything else required.
Thank you and good luck to all.


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Jun 18, 2010
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Hi Landed naija,
How are u all doing? Hope u are all doing well.
If there is anything I have read in this forum this is one of d best thank u Oloye small and striaght 4ward


Hero Member
Jan 27, 2011
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Dec 2012
Thank u RN,

Quite a good one.

Please keep it up. With this info, i may be able to write a book on 'immigration to Canada' :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Champion Member
Dec 18, 2009
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I have been following your inputs eversince you entered this thread. Thank you and God bless.

You are the kind of Naija we are looking for. Not necessarily discouraging people from immigrating, but telling us, what we need do or prepare to do if we must be successful in our new chosen land.

Not many people would want to do this, especially in a place where most claimed that 24hrs is not enof to achieve whatever!

However, concerning the question you asked, these are the requirement to show relative in canada (Not exhaustible though)
1. PR or Canadian PPT (data page only)
2. Evidence of Mortgage if any
3. Birth Certificate showing the relationship
4. Statement of account to show that the person is capable of hosting you
5. Any other doc as may be required by the VO