ramneek said:
hello rocky/qorax & others
i have some questions abt post landing
1. is there any uniform like thing for any type of professionals or for labour job i.e. white *censored word* & black trousours in all jobs(ihave heard this thing)
2. is there any allowance for kids & when it is paid by govt. when we land there in canada would it be started from the very first day or later on?
3. what if somebody doesnt get the job, is there any unemployment allowance for newcomers. if yes then how much.
4.does service canada centres also help in getting job to a person who has just done matric.
5. is there any resume needed for labour job also?
any body knows the answer for my queries plz respond
thanks in advance
one more thing how much time difference is there in between india & toranto
1. There's no such thing as a uniform with most employers. However, certain corporates maintain some sort of dress-over like a blue colored shirt carrying the company logo -as with Bell Canada, red with Rogers, overalls in warehouses/factories etc.
2. Yes, upon landing u can file-in the CTB (Child Tax Benefit) & HST (Harmonized Service Tax) forms. U get some monthly respite thereon. CTB could fetch u anything around $300-400/child/month -based on your income & the kids age. It continues till the kids r 18 &/or your income goes above the threshold limit.
3. The Unemployment Insurance is not for not getting a job. It's for being retrenched & thereon unable to get another one. Obtaining that is not easy. Moreover, as a newcomer u r not supposed to look for any & many ways to fetch Govtl funds. This is how ppl from certain regions r looked down upon here.
(plz pardon me for being harsh)
4. U'd need a resume for any type of job. Else, how do u sell yourself to a prospective employer? The rules of getting a job remains the same worldwide.
5. Time diff between India & Canada is 10.5 hrs. Toronto time + 10.5 hrs for India.
Ps.: Replied to u also@the Master Thread.