Morning everyone 
Yeah Charlie what you said in reply to my post yesterday made alot of sense.
I think whats hardest is my emotions on this are just as rollar coaster as my husbands.
I think this process is harder for us because we didn't have the intent to leave when we started our married life here. Filing papers was ot in our plans. Like you, we would have happily lived out our lives in Jamaica if circumstances had allowed it. Healthcare was a big one, finance,life plans, and me wanting to truly have a HOME where we could all be settled and nobody struggled to fit in.
And for me...I know deep down as much as I truely want to leave and am excited, and some days desperate to leave, deeeep down, I wish I didn't have to. I wish as a white farrin lady I could settle into a place in Jamaica where I wouldn't always be a "farrin" lady and could just be home. Not saying i want people to think im Jamaican, but like when people get Canadian citizenship, regardless of where they originally come from, we let them just be Canadians and be home. Wish it was like that here.I wish there was more here for me to make a normal life!! Because its extremly extremly frusterating to love a place so much, and to have that place as your home, but no matter how much you get settled and know people, to always be an outsider still! Thankful that Canada is multi cultural and while its not without struggles, my husband can truly make it his second home without having to face the isolation I faced!!
Arrrg leaving Jamaica is terrifying to me to...I dunno when I got more used to Jamaica than Canada in some ways!!
Charlie....hows the heat down in Kingston...its killing me today let me tell you!! St Anne is HOTTTTT today....even the all the fans I have on are barely making a dent. Thank goodness there is a breeze!! Summer is my struggle months..I prefer Jamaica winter!
Yeah Charlie what you said in reply to my post yesterday made alot of sense.
I think whats hardest is my emotions on this are just as rollar coaster as my husbands.
I think this process is harder for us because we didn't have the intent to leave when we started our married life here. Filing papers was ot in our plans. Like you, we would have happily lived out our lives in Jamaica if circumstances had allowed it. Healthcare was a big one, finance,life plans, and me wanting to truly have a HOME where we could all be settled and nobody struggled to fit in.
And for me...I know deep down as much as I truely want to leave and am excited, and some days desperate to leave, deeeep down, I wish I didn't have to. I wish as a white farrin lady I could settle into a place in Jamaica where I wouldn't always be a "farrin" lady and could just be home. Not saying i want people to think im Jamaican, but like when people get Canadian citizenship, regardless of where they originally come from, we let them just be Canadians and be home. Wish it was like that here.I wish there was more here for me to make a normal life!! Because its extremly extremly frusterating to love a place so much, and to have that place as your home, but no matter how much you get settled and know people, to always be an outsider still! Thankful that Canada is multi cultural and while its not without struggles, my husband can truly make it his second home without having to face the isolation I faced!!
Arrrg leaving Jamaica is terrifying to me to...I dunno when I got more used to Jamaica than Canada in some ways!!
Charlie....hows the heat down in Kingston...its killing me today let me tell you!! St Anne is HOTTTTT today....even the all the fans I have on are barely making a dent. Thank goodness there is a breeze!! Summer is my struggle months..I prefer Jamaica winter!