Good Morning All... i swear i wanted to get a pen and paper to remember everything that has been going on the past little while to personalize my post but its not happening... sooooo..
Welcome all the new people... whenever new people come on the forum, the forum comes alive again... and its so interesting to see how the rules and regulations change over the years... or in KNG's case... weeks... I wish you all the very best and I pray for a quick and painfree as possible case!!
To all those with good updates... CONGRATS! this is what I have stuck around for... after posting for over 2 years on this site I still cant pry myself away from here... after waiting for hubby for so long (immigration time + dating time + marriage time =YEARS!! ) i finally had my husband with me and I know the joys it can bring to finally get that call.. so i love to relive it - and help out when needed!
To all those with not the best of updates....mainly talking to Yardiemy.... KNG is so unpredictable, sorry for your troubles!... there has been many a times where they dont make any sense but they really give you no option...its in their hands... and GOD's, but GOD only gives us options and we have to choice which is the best road to take..... so even though its totally inconveneint, in the end, its not a waste of time or money when you look at the big picture (do what they say and you will be together for ever and ever amen!). I know you want to just tell them to Frig off but dont let them get to you too much.... comply with what they ask for and then you shall be rewarded... eventually...

we all know that we would do anything for our hubbies and wifeys, so dont let this minor roadbump hold back your file any longer.... Man, KNG makes me vex tho.... them can never be clear eeee!
Soanxious.. cant lie, i came on here right now to see if you got an update...... i checked one place before this, no message... but couldnt help but see if you got a stinkin call yet. Honestly, ive been following your case from TIME... and ready to be done with it too
About the link up in toronto.. I am down, we had one about 1.5 years ago we had one as well... it was really nice. But any excuse to get out is a good excuse for me especially when its in Toronto... I live right downtown so its so convenient. And once this baby is born in a few weeks - no doubt i will need some mama alone time unless kids are welcome!
anyways, most of you know i just finished moving, i have the week off work.. thank god, so im gonna finish unpacking and continue to stare at little Miss T's Room and dream about her being here in about 6 weeks from now... !! My feet are swollen, my hands are swollen, and me baxside getting FAT... 20 pounds on a 5foot2 person has to go somewhere other than the belly... cant complain tho... 20 pounds gained @ 8.5 months pregnant.. me tek it!