I'm so fed up with Kingston Office!!!

Just when we thought that we are almost there, BAM!
Hubby went to the interview at the beginning of the month. He was asked to redo his meds... he asked if he could go to the same MD in MOBay and they told him no problem... they didn't gave him any forms cause his pictures were expired. He went to the DMP in MoBay, she called KG to have a blank redo form and put his new pics on it (was done last Monday) and stamp it. Everything was alright and we were soooo happy we are almost done... after 13 months of processing.
Today, hubby got a called from KG telling him the medical he did was not valid as it was not done in a Kingston DMP office

They told him he will have to redo it in Kingston, that even if it was done by a DMP, no way they will accept it! They said they were sorry and apologized he didn't have the right info at first and gave him until next monday! Anybody heard of something similar?
I just don't know what to do next. I called my MP but she left already...so it will have to wait until tomorrow morning. Should I file a complain to the Minister? It's not the first time something weird happen in our file. I just feel he'll never land