Good Morning Beautiful people... 3 more sleeps until christmas

So wha gwan everybody... everyone aright???
welcome HFavour and L_W ( keeping it short to distinguish between all the lonley and highlyfavoured wifeys out there

I love all the new forum family members questions, it totally brings back memories.
L_W from what I can see, your application is moving along perfectly... you have recevied your AOR and Document Request after this as long as your medicals do not expire (medicals are valid for 1 year from the date you did them) the next request from KNG would be to bring in your passport. As for updates on ecas, dont waste your time worrying about that, my hubbies file was not updated until after he had landed

your file IS in process 100%, you got your letter and your Document request.
HFavour - if you are being sponsored by a family member then you would be in the Family catagory, but either under Dependent Children or Parents & grandparents which has total different time lines but pretty much similar procedure as the spousal & Partners category. Are you being sponsored by a parent? Grandparent or child? Please stick around since we have all sorts of cases in the group, skilled worker, adoption and family!