Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
A Warm Welcome to all the new Members, the Forum has really grown.
I had quiet a few pages to go through.
I have been AWOL had alot going on on the home front still do.
But as its Thanksgiving and 1 day before my Birthday, I'm up reflecting,
and instead of sulking, and lament about all that is not happening as I wish it would, I've decided to be Happy.
Thats right Happiness is a choice.
and indeed there remains much to be grateful for, even if there are no updates from KGN. ;D
For Starters, The unconditional love of Hubby cant take that for granted.

Mom is feeling better, thank you Jesus,
if anyone has family Members who has ever had to deal with Cancer you will know its painful on the sufferer and Family Members as well. Mom was having alot of Pain, until about a week ago we were advised by a very old and wise couple of traditional bush Medicine, I was very Skeptical at first,
(but dem say "anything old people say if ano so ah nearly so")
and wether or not its responsible, the pain is no longer there.
this alone is enough for me to thank God for.
she still has other issues with the disease as its still there but this herb or bush has definately helped.
it seems God has heard all the prayers sent out .
so on that note I'm Grateful for all the support and prayers expressed privately and also on the Forum pages.
Glo, Jammy, Missing, Angie, Kenswifey and anyone else with updates, Congrats on your good news. from the bottom of my heart I'm truly happy for you guys.
If KGN keeps this up, then some of the 08 /09 folks will be with their families for XMAS and us the 2010ers will have a fair chance of doing the same next year. way to go KGN.
Canuck, I think you were right behind Angie in FEBRUARY in the 2010 line up, so lets pray her hubby gets the call, and who knows you may just drop in her old slot.
KGN continue free up the slot dem.
P.S we all should be Thankful for this Forum as its not only supportive but very informational. alot of stuff gets shared on theses pages that we just would not see otherwise.
QDOS to the forum Fam for that.
Anxsious, Sheraig, Chantol, CharlieD, Angie. anyone one else I missed thanks for the Prayers Stay blessed.