Hey Everyone - remember me?!

Things have been such a crazy whirlwind over the holidays that i haven't had much time to come on here!
Congrats to everyone who has had PPR/DM/LANDED etc! --- still waiting on your news THOR, hoping you had a BLAST with hubby and that this will all be over soon for you --- xoxoxo!
Mr. P started his job today!!! He was so excited!! I hope he's getting along good! He's LOVING the weather -- what a newbie

Weird thing though, when we got to PEI we went to get his SIN card - and there is this 'new system' for getting SINs now and the paperwork we had was part of the 'old' system and so they said they would have to refer our request to the head office ( this was Dec 4 or 5) and they would mail it to us in a week or so and WE STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN IT! We can't even open a bank account for him without this, so we've been told. We went back last Monday to reapply for an Urgent request because he needs it for work, and still nothing...not even a phone call to give us the numbers...so annoying. It would be nuts if we got the PR card before his SIN lol!
Anyway, this isn't really phasing us after all we've gone through to be together, that's for sure! Mr. P is settling in so well, he's loving being here. He passed his Written Drivers test with a 92 and he was PUMPED! He will be doing the driving test end of this month...Wish him luck!
Shoutout to my girls - you know who you are!!! xoxoxo :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*