Hey all!!
I'm breaking my silence this evening! ;D
Congrats MelJam and everyone else who has received great news!!
Today was the day! I went and picked up my package that contained my PP with that colourful VISA along with my CoPR and most of the supporting documents that we submitted with our application. It took 19 days from PPR to Passport Delivery for me and the wait was the most brutal I've ever encountered! Nonetheless I am eternally grateful to God!
He is forever faithful and I thank Him for all He has done in my life!

So, now I'm off to be with my beautiful wife and baby!
God is so GOOD! :')
Keep holding on to faith ladies and gentlemen, your time is just around the corner!
Speedy processing and happy marriages I wish for all!

Thank you all for your advice (whether direct or indirectly provided) and the love that was shared on this thread! This forum is tremendously helpful and truly is a blessing!
God bless!