Congratulations to you Cblgr!!
So ladies and gent's I was checking out some of the older posts on our Kingston, Jamaica thread and I came across one from February 2011 that was posted by
Godblesswife and after reading this particular post, I was able to glean some encouragement from it. So, tonight I'm going to re-post her post as a throwback. I hope it encourages you all as it did me, no matter how slight. I wish you all a speedy process and God's richest blessing! This too shall pass!

Her post can be read unedited in it's entirety below:
"Thanks everyone for the well wishes, and boy does prayer change things. I was saying to someone the other day sometimes when you pray for something you are not even prepared to really receive it when you do. "careful what you pray for indeed"
Just yesterday was Binding Kgn in Jesus name, but for some reason when I woke up this morning I was expecting the call tuesday,
thinking let me be realistic it wont happen today, plus up to yesterday DHL was without my file.
but God's timing and man's timing is different, and we really do not understand his ways sometimes.
Then late this morning I had a phone call from an unknown number from a lady I could barely hear. she said she would call back, since the connection was bad , and never did.
and something said to me, just go to DHL online and track the parcel again. this time they had the parcel. ;D so as I was going into kingston to Visit my mom in the hospital, I decided to ask DHL if it was ok for me to pass by and pick up my passport myself, they agreed and here I am with my pasport in hand
and my little sticker with a single entry visa that they would'nt give me before, to go visit hubby. 
life is funny, when they refused my TRV boy was I gutted.
I really never knew how I would just sit here for months and not see my husband unless he took time off work and lose money in the process.
and here I am today pretty much at the end of the permanent residency application road. "nothing happens before its time".
So I just want to say to everyone else also going through the process, once again KGN is not God and they must bow, if we call on our heavenly Father, even when things seem like its not working as we plan, it is truly then that God is up to something.
Soanxious mi dear you are next I cant see it going past tuesday.
Iambless if you have been getting those emails with the same update repeatedly, I think they are working on your file, I got them too, and so did Anxious.
Stay blessed everyone
just had to pop in and say thanks for the support and info that got me so far. everyone coming on here and sharing their experiences has been invaluable to me throughout this process.
everytime someone got any news good or bad, you really are adding to the pool of knowledge that already exist on this forum. and that saved alot of us some money and unnecessary delays. so thanks once again everyone.
and to the new people coming on, read read read, and ask questions we are all here to help and share our experiences, wherever we are in the process.
Thank you Jesus I'm going home to cook my hubby his
Home cooked meals which he so badly needs in the cold
A nice post huh? God bless everyone.