I was told late yesterday, (after calling DHL for the 1 millionth time) that the passport was on the truck! Finally!!! and that once it was back at the depot they could provide me with a tracking number. So I called to today to get the number and they tell me it was never picked up!!!

I said "I spoke with a lady in your office at 3pm to verify from an earlier conversation in the day that the request for pickup was done etc" and this lady was like "who told you that?! they could have never known that!"
I was SO MAD. I was infuriated and kept saying “You MUST UNDERSTAND my frustration right now, I have been calling every day for over a week when this package was supposed to be OVERNIGHTED TO US and it STILL HASN'T even been PICKED UP!?!?!?! I send couriers EVERY SINGLE DAY, I know how the system works and THIS IS WRONG! We have been waiting OVER a year to get this passport and you MUST understand how frustrating it is to be finally done of this process to start our lives and now we have this COMPLETELY UNECESSARY DELAY!”
I actually apologized to her because I know it wasn't her personal mistake and I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of a frustrated caller and there is nothing that you can do...she actually felt really bad for me and said she completely understood and was sorry for the way things were handled on the business side. She was super sweet.. Probably, because I was on the verge of tears the entire time. :-\
I was riding high last night thinking ok finally as least that parts been confirmed...I just want to breathe knowing that his visa's in his hand. A week might not seem like a long time, but it's excruciating being so close and yet so far.