Hello ballasgirl, it does not look like you received a reply yet to your question so I will have a go

. I am guessing that this is your husband's AOR - Acknowledgement of Receipt - from the Port of Spain visa office (POS VO). If your file was originally in Kingston and sent to POS they are confirming receipt that it has arrived.
If your file was sent directly from the Mississauga Case Processing Centre, it means the same thing, POS is acknowledging it's arrival at their VO. Now here is where some of the other senior members on this thread maybe able to clarify as I have only heard recently that Kingston is sending some of their backlog to POS and I do not know your timeline or other details.
In the case of most of the POS members on our thread, once our spouse received the AOR our files went to "in process" on ecas within 10 days to 3 weeks. Once you go to in process that means either your interview is waived (or you have passed it if they conducted one) and they are going to be moving very quickly on your file from that point forward. See my sidebar at left to see our timeline (which was thankfully relatively fast).
Now I am not sure if POS is following the same protocol for files transferred from Kingston and if another JA member knows more please chime in. My guess is they would be transferring the files that would be able to be completed more quickly, either what they determine to be "easy or straightforward files" or ones that are very close to the end for approval. All of this to say it is likely very good news for you and your hubby

Also - a big congratulations to all of the JA folks who have completed the process in the last few months, the newbies who are just starting and
most of all prayers, blessings and extra encouragement to the veterans - your ordeal will be over soon and
you will be reunited with your loved ones.