lol! Wow! I forgot how much love is involved when PPR comes around :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Thank you everyone (there are way too many to list individually)
Sammy, you're NEXT!!!!!! PPR FOR SAMMY!!! PPR FOR SAMMY!!!!!
So I'm sure you have questions... I check ECAS everyday, at least 2-3 times a day and I check hubby's email for him too. It didn't show anything all week and I was basically at the exhausted point and just "whatever". I was puttering around yesterday and thought around 2:30pm "Hey, let's check hubby's email so I can delete his junk mail for him..." so I checked his email with the intention of checking an ECAS status after that I was certain had not changed yet... the 2nd email in hubby's list was from KINGSTON IMMIGRATION with the subject of "Passport". My hands started shaking and I clicked on the email, when it opened, I screamed and dropped the phone and started crying. My friend ran into the room and saw me freaking out so she started freaking out asking me what happened. All I could do was cry and kept pointing at my phone saying "Passport" over and over again. She read the email and started crying right along with me. It's like a huge weight was lifted off of me. The only documentation requested was his Passport and a prepaid envelope for passport return. Hubby of course thought I was joking around with him and he was in a miserable mood NOT in the mood to joke around so I sent him screen shots of his email and he freaked out (in a good way). After telling his family, he ran out the door with passport in hand still wearing his slippers

. He went to DHL, showed the lady the letter and she smiled at him, congratulated him, and filled out all of his paperwork for him (including the return envelope, file reference number and everything). It cost him 2000jmd.
After all of that, I checked ECAS and it says "In Process" for our application and claims it was started on July 28... but on July 28 it still showed "Application Received", I guess their system was delayed.
I think I've covered everything but if there is questions, ask away!