mrsbrown said:
For clarity I'm not seeking to be controversial or advocating censorship. I am simply questioning whether this is the appropriate place to express religious or political opinions especially when those opinions have the potential to hurt or offend others.
I'm just asking that people be respectful of others when deciding what to post. If what I am saying is not supported I am happy up have my my name removed from the timeline and I'll remove myself from the forum
Mrs. Brown I understand what you are trying to say. For me personally, homophobic comments and defined gender-roles can be extremely hurtfull. I work extremely hard in my profession and must admit, I am a horrible cook and homemaker. In my life, I constantly feel the scorn of other women who support traditional gender roles. I have a lot of respect for women who stay at home to raise their children and care for the home as this is more than a full time job and can be trying. With this being said, I don't believe that I am any less of a woman or a wife because I do not do these tasks, or do not have children with my husband.
I don't believe this is an issue regarding censorship but rather respect for one another. We all have different views on life and to talk negatively on a public forum about a sensitive issue is perhaps not showing the highest amount of respect for our fellow members. I am not a christian but I recognize that many of our members are devout christians and I respect them enough to not publicly discuss unrelated topics that would make them uncomfortable.
We all have international marriages where we are expecting our spouses to remain open minded and acknowledge the perhaps different views of our country. Is it too much to ask that on this forum we remain open minded and diplomatic as well?
I also understand that we are all in extremely stressful and undesireable circumstances, but we have all come to this forum to gain support and assistance from the other members. If we are unable to respect other members and their views I don't feel that this would be the right forum for me.
This is just my personal belief and i believe that everyone is entitled to their own as well