Blessings to everyone NEW and OLD here!! It's been a minute since being on the forum as I've been really busy with my husband/family and career and I'm impressed by how much our forum family have grown - so awesome to see the amount of support everyone is lending to one another. I'm also really happy to know that we're all able to travel to see our hubbies as nothing compares to the intimate real life experience of being with eachother in person; the days are so precious, trying to stay up as late as possible and getting up as the sun peaks the horizon just to make the 24hr days stretttttchhhhhh within the one or two weeks we may be fortunate enough to spend with them....until that daunting moment of checking in at the airport and leaving the island. Sitting on the plane and going through the pics/videos taken together over and over and simply forgetting that anything else in this world exists except for the longing on being together one day soon as the plane takes off and dissapears into the clouds trying to glimpse any last moment visuals of the island as it fades away........
Don't mean to be so descriptive however I think this is how each and everyone of us goes through. We may not know eachother and are complete strangers and a sense of bonding to others in the same situation is to come to this platform and share thoughts, experiences on both good/bad days. This is the common thread that bonds each and every one of us on this "space" or platform, would you agree? Wanting to share any KG updates with everyone, whether small or big even so much as a fart from them whilst trying not make anyone feel bad especially if they haven't received one in awhile or ever. I guess my point here is the original creators of this Kingston forum had that in mind and I believe it's helped so many lonely wives/husbands who's had to be apart bear this difficult journey.
With this said, I had stopped coming on the forum because I felt there were a few individuals who sent out negative "vibes" when someone would get an update from ECAS, KG, CICI-M, even if the update COULD be considered as "general". An update is an update, all updates are an indication of life and progress EVEN if the progress is a PPR request by the next day or one year. Or even a request for an interview, additional documents, or even if its a simple medical received on ECAS. By the way Chickie72, I had meant to let you know that I FIRMLY believe your forms are in KG regardless if whether you recieved that update or not. That should have been communicated to you regardless of whether it's CIC-M or KG updates your ECAS.
When we support eachother and rejoice in eachother's progress whether small or big, it empowers us to look forward to the next day, next week, just the next. When we shoot down others for sharing udpates, it breeds negativety and instills a sense of discouragement when we should be on here to share information, encourage and rejoice. Each of us have individual situations/circumstances; although it's nice to compare timelines but the reality is that our applications will move to the pace of what checks needs to be performed by KG on an individual basis.
I was sadly informed today that the person who updates our spreadsheet said some distasteful things about other members including myself and I say it's sad because we don't know even know eachother except on one instance where we both shared our opinions on an update I recieved from KG indicating that my ap was in process. Here's my point, how can we have someone who keeps the spreadsheet updated be one who secretly hates when ppl get updates yet on the board shouts out loud "congrats"? It's like, would you want an accountant to do your books when they're the same one stealing from you? Just some food for thought...
Anyhow just want to wish everyone in here, including this person a speedy diligent process and as everyday goes by, you're all each one day closer to being with your soul mates. Empower one another, and if what you "want" to say is not of value to the next person, just keep cool. The majority of us are women, whether we are moms, career women, young or old, we need to empower one another not shoot eachother down. Shout out to the few men in here.

If there are misunderstandings, clear it up. But don't sadly fall in the the stigma that some like to put on us. It's immature to send messages behind closed doors putting others down. It aint cute, it doesn't gain you respect but rather put contempt into the minds of those you "think" are siding with you...what you put out in the world always comes back ten's called Karma.
On that note, Keep strong, Hold your faith, and support one another...... :-*