Good morning and WOW

welcome to Daddy's Girl and Kristy0519 and tamarindball! So marvelous to "see" so many new faces. Ladies, welcome and stick and stay, you are in the right place if you have a Jamaican spouse emigrating or you are a Jamaican spouse migrating to Canada! Jamgirl, our resident updater, will add you guys to our updates list and you can climb aboard our likkle immigration boat (not so likkle anymore), grab an oar and start rowing!
OK, now to some individual posts!
RFMO, so glad to see you bouncing back. I think you will like the hot yoga class, everything I have seen tells me it is intense but can be very "centre-ing", if I may make up a word! I like how you used the financial gain from quitting smoking, I use that one all the time when I am trying to convince myself to give up something: I calculate how much I will save and plan what to spend it on! Works like a charm every time!
Daddy's Girl, welcome! You are in the line at KG, now is the time when you will hear little or nothing, so it is the time to focus on your relationship and get yourself and hubby in the frame of mind to deal with all that will come with migrating. Trust me, immigration is just one roller coaster ride, as soon as he has that visa you are both getting on another one and there will be more ups and downs during the settling in period! Prepare from now, and it will be easier when the time comes!
Kristy0519, lots of spouses here (myself included) were denied TRVs. It is quite simply VERY likely you will be wasting the money and time trying to get one. That said, you are the only ones who can decide what is right for you. In the meantime, though, start preparing yourselves for the PR part of things, gather your supporting documents, go through the forms together and get familiar with them and start preparing your draft.
Hey tamarindball! I saw that name on the forum and I thought to myself "I bet that is a Jamaican!" and here you are, LOL. Nice to see another emigrating wife, we tend to be outnumbered by the hubbies, LOL. Two things: (1) start preparing your PR application, it is going to take awhile. It may look tempting to apply Inland because you are already in Canada, but it is best to go Outland although KG is looking slower than molasses flowing uphill in December right now. Reason being, Inland is a minimum of 11 months, no ifs, ands or buts. On the other hand, KG can take as little as 5 months, depending on how strong your application is and the length of your relationship. Add to that you are in Canada already, and they seem to do those a lot faster than those of us who are in Jamaica.
(2) You MUST keep your status legal while you remain in Canada. If you plan to stay for the length of your processing, apply for an extension at least 30 days before your current status expires. You can use the fact that you have a PR application in process as one of the reasons for applying for the extension, lots of persons get additional time because of that.
Right, I am off, I will check in later. Love to see the newbies, again, stick and stay ladies, welcome aboard!