Mrslwsn, I totally respect what you have to say, this is a Huge learning curve for me as well and when you mention Sunday dinner, makes me realize we dont have that, I know it's early but we dont really have a routine or a family day, but it's just us two, we dont have young children we kinda eat and do what we want when we want! but a routine wouldl be great!!
LOL @ skiing, and drinking beer....not really me-I dont drink,But I have taken a spill or two on a snowboard (which I love ) however hubby was in the mountains the other day and wanted to go skiing, but he didnt have gloves so he went horsebackriding instead, this does not make him a sell out....I love Movado....but he loves Garth Brooks :

-He also loves Bounty Killa- Beenie man -Queen Ifrica etc... we live in a diverse world, where he was only able to experience Jamaica his whole life, now he is open to endless possibilites and opportunities....He want's to visit my Birth Country in Europe as well and now he can, he speaks of it often, this too does not make him a sell out, just means he is ready for the world, when it comes to likes and dislikes we just compromise the best we can! I have never heard of one Jamaican being deported from Calgary...not on the news not from anyone...He just tells me what he has experienced and heard and that does shame him...he is a very proud Jamaican and he loves his Country and is very concerned about what is happeneing in Jamaica right now! Please do not get me wrong!
Ali, Hubby came to make a life with
you...if Joe rednecks are his friends he will be more than happy to have them can have true friends with all ethnic backgrounds...friends are friends!
Hubby told me he met a Jamaican man at his work yesterday, he said the man drive two days to come to Calgary leff his wife in TO for a new Lady in Calgary...

sad... Am I going to make him quit his job because of a bad apple ...Hell no, we have a house and a life to build.
Going shopping for a flag after work (thanks for the tip Ali)...and a license plate cover and a jamaican tassle for his mirror(I am keeping mine), hubby is a proud owner of a car, something he bought off his boss, to get him around and learn the streets!!