Kym YaY-What great news -Congratulations ;D ;D ;D
Good Morning my peeps,
Wow what an exciting weekend we had, Starting with Friday night, my daughter and I head off to the airport where my best friend and her two daughters along with her husband showed up to greet hubbs, the girls made a Huge Poster welcoming Uncle Sherlock- Hubby had a long day, he had traveled to KG from Sav, then onto his flight to Toronto then layover and finally- Calgary..He came off the plane smiling away, was so good to see him we all gave him a huge hug and home we went, my daughter had made him some shrimp fetticini and he was hungry..
He said he no problems in Toronto, everyone was friendly they welcomed him to Canada, he said he got through in 5 minutes, It was a late late night, Saturday morning I had to work for a few hours but when we got home we went driving so he could see the city.
Sunday was fun we had a little party for him, music dancing food and family all got to come see him, everyone got a little drunk and they just loved him! Monday was a super busy day we got all his paperwork in order, his SIN, Alberta heath Care, School assesment,Bank account, he's registered in school, and he's very happy about it

he got a phone call last night about starting a job today, so 7:00 am I dropped him off on site and he's workin...he was so happy about actually working we bought him a lunch kit, boots, and a thermos for his coffee. My husband is a working Man
It's been so wonderful having him home, what an amazing feeling to be able to go to sleep and wake up with the person you love everyday~it's so refreshing and rewarding!
I'm not feeling well at all today, burning up with fever and seriously swollen tonsils...and I'm overly tired, havent slept much at all this last week!
KG, I love you!! now lets get some more fams reunited!!