Morning Everyone!
Let me start with a little positive vibes for those of you still hanging on and waiting for updates, PPR's and reunification with your spouses.
Lostwithoutyou, hang in there, do not lose faith or perseverance. Keep on KG so they remember your file, life soon sort out!
Betisyettocome, be strong and focused on the end result, reuniting with your spouse. If you've been told it takes on average three months to complete the Military Clearance and it's been three months and a day, call and find out what's taking so long. Life soon sort out!
Alicatshaw, once the police clearance is done and brought to KG, make sure your husband ride KG so they do not forget him, life soon sort out
Amandawood and BBB congratulations on the updates, you life already sort out, all you need is your man now!
Road2Calgary, all I can say is I hope you enjoy the snow! Congratulations on reuniting with your husband. Time to start the Rice and Peas cooking lesson ;D
Last, but not least for my girl, MrsIwsn, yo my girl sorry I didn't link you before now, but mi did a travel again fi work and a try manage di house and make sure everyone okay. So happy for you my girl! Tell MrIswn, fi tek time wid you and nah baddah mash up you car. When you get settled and when work stop send me away, we should link up!
and now my landing story....
Well, after waiting 1 year, 9 months, 24 days or 663 days for KG to send me my husband and kids, they finally sent them while I was away for work in Europe. My husband has flown before and worked in Canada for several years, so was not overwhelmed. But, the kids had never flown and had never actually left their parish so they were quite excited about the trip to KG and getting on a plane. No issues getting through immigration

. The landed eight days before I returned home from my trip and were greeted by my immediate family. I made sure the kids were enrolled and ready to start school before I left, so they started the Monday following their arrival. They love school, but are a little disappointed that school does not provide the nice hot lunches, consisting of rice and stew peas or curry chicken or fried chicken that they had become accustomed to at school back home. The like that the walk to school is shorter than it was back home and are loving the big house and big back yard they have at their disposal.
My work was nice enough to send me home early from my business trip so I could reunite with my family, so we actually have two landing stories. I arrived at the airport and my husband was there waiting for me, it was surreal to finally see him again and this time in Canada. Things at home are like he never left, except now we have two little ones depending on us ;D and he took my side of the bed (it vex me you see). Like the typical J'can man, my husband can cook, clean, so it's kind of nice having an extra set of hands around the house. Work is going well for him and less than a month in and we've fallen into things just fine. We're one happy family, finally!