Missin, every morning i watch an inspirational video on youtube. ''the secret to you'' and there are some other nice ones, it helps to keep me on track, stay motivated and be optimistic. But as u say, in the mornings we have hope, that today will be our day, then once its touches evening time theres that low feeling in your stomach when we realize that they didnt call. same here, its torture. reminds me of Shakira's duet with some dude called 'la tortura'. well tomoro is a new day, im going to go to my bed in a minute, talking to hubby online, i was just telling him that i have no motivation, i feel so depressed that i wonna stay in my room everyday and just sulk. but with a 2 yr old i have no such luck. plus i would just sink deeper into depression.
So lets hope for good things this week. Nite nite (check out that video, or any other inspirational ones that work for you, i find it makes me feel better after my morning workout when im the only one awake in my house)