proper - I can only tell you what happened with me and what I witnessed happening on this forum prior to the changes in used to be that they would say they started processing the file on whatever date and then you wouldn't get another update until after a decision was made and sometimes not even until after the PR applicant landed. For my husband and I, there was an update that med results were received and typically in the past, the PR applicant got the PP request within a few hours or a day or so. With my husband, it said med results received on Dec 22/10 but he didn't get the PP drop off call until Jan 4/11. Now that may have been due to the Christmas holidays. Typically in the past, they didn't update ecas and you didn't know what was going on.
KG is unpredictable so who knows what they are up to these days...after they say they started processing the application, I believe they first look at your submitted documents and if anything is missing they would send a letter requesting documents. Then they determine whether or not your relationship is genuine, if they need an interview they will send a letter asking for one giving you at least 60 days notice. If no interview is required they then proceed to police and background checks then medicals, if all is fine there, they then call for PP.
My MP told me that the medicals are the last step, once that is done they do one last review of the file to make sure everything is ok then they call for PP.
That's how it used to be.
As for the AOR....who knows how they are doing that! In the past, some people didn't get one, some got them right away, some got them months into their processing, my husband's file was received in KG on Jun 28/10, they started processing the file Aug 4/10, his AOR was dated Sept 27/10 and received much later than that. PP call came on Jan 4/11
I hope this helps