SO happy for you Spartabarbie!!
I'm about to submit all our docs for the inland process including his OWP app and nearly flipped my lid last night when I noticed on his upfront medical proof document that they entered his passport # wrong!!
The woman was apologetic but said she cant change it as she already submitted the case but that she wrote to CIC to tell them of her mistake at the Drs. office and has to wait to hear back from them as the office that handles the Emedical for CIC is in AUSTRALIA !!
She said when they correct it she can issue me a corrected copy!!!
The aggravation and delay now - sigh - Lesson though - always check and double check and triple check!! Sigh
sigh... but I'm breathing as I trust GD and all things happen for good for those who trust HIM so every delay is for a purposes - 'Im breathing