@ Paula, I don't want to be rude but using a lawyer doesnt change anything at all cause they are there only to make money and they dont give a s h i t if you wait a long time....I just hope people will follow their hearts and not follow your advices because of the lawyer bull sh its...
Look the spreadsheet on my line...look the amount of months vs peoples above or below me (around my timeline)....I did everything b4 them request it and it never slowdown, it was even faster then other peoples. Samething for Ninirae and Zoey80...PC has been redo and we all save 2 to 3 months waiting.
Look Roxie-B and HubbyWifey, they have wait them to request stuff and now since May they have sent everything and they are still waiting for PPR....so for real, what do you think it slowdown the process!???
Well its up to you guys to do what you want, but since almost 2 years now I saw many convos or info from different sources like a VO in hospital in Kingston was telling how it works to a nurse + somebody whos working at Criminal record office (pc) in Kingston saying to always maintain the PC valid and send another one in asap to make it faster...so the lawyer doesnt really care about your feelings or how it works, he does care about your wallet and the more time is gonna take the more money hes gonna earn....
The reason I wrote to you it is just because you sounds like you want to scare peoples on the forum and I dont like this. Cause the way you manage your process, I have a feeling that you going to have an interview cause you hired a lawyer plus you send a box of evidences (that is completely unnecessary), that sounds to me that you really need to proof that your relationship is authentic.
No offence, but it needed to be clarified