SmoothiesQueen said:
Hello ladies, no problem with the sharing. Everyone's experience will be we are different and our men are different. Some will have smoother transitions than others..but still good to be prepared as the one thing my husband still says is...I wish I had been prepared for the fact that it wouldn't all be the dream you painted and I imagined.
Wishing you all the best everyone..hope your other halves are here soon!!
P.S...someone asked about pictures. Upload them to photobucket...and copy the URL you can find under each picture you upload into this box. There is a list of three codes beneath each photo bucket picture you upload. If the URL doesn't work..try one of the other two. The URL code worked for these pictures. When I was applying for my husband...we had a big crowd of us on here. So we always had a picture thread going of wedding and family pics....that's how I learned LOL!!!
I love your story. I am a young lady from Jamaica and my experiences are similar and some different. I do experience racism and it is hurtful. I had lots of it the first 8 months of being in Canada. I think they can sense this girl is new. I got a job two weeks after arriving in Canada. I was doing a lot of research before I arrive and I asked my husband to take to a store he always talked about. I went there ask for a job application form and took it home. I went back and ask for the manager and I explained I just got to Canada and needed a job however I did not have a resume. He was nice enough to offer me a job; that's when racism started. Honestly a lot of Canadians thinks I'm stupid because I speak with an accent and my English is not in the right orders, or I have never heard of what they asking me about. That feeling is degrading for me but I kept the job and I would go home everyday begging my husband to say it is okay for me to quit but he never did. I dreaded going to work I could not eat sometimes because of my fear of treatment I would get from customers.
So after listening carefully how Canadians speak I start to practise on speaking that way. I notice a change in peoples attitude when they think you are Canadian. I can honestly say people are less rude to me when they hear I can speak more Canadian but that's my experience. I did went and got my high school Diploma and currently working on other skills at workshops they have for Immigrants so I can get a different job.
Canada has defiantly toughen me up; and I learned to smile so hard even when I am so angry. My husband always reminded me "This is not Jamaica you cannot say that, you cannot do that etc".
As for our relationship as a couple yes it can be difficult in so many ways. This is our first time living together so we are learning new things everyday. My husband use to treat me like his child, cook, clean etc and even tells me what to do. It drove me crazy after awhile I told him many time I'm not his child and he needs to stop it. It took months of me rebelling and now he's where I've always wanted him to be. I feel better having responsibilities. My husband thinks it would be hard for me to adjust which is quite to opposite. I had to force him to bring to get my driver's licence because he think I was not ready and I passes. I took the buses on my own across the city which he think I would get lost and I didn't, I found places he's never been, I did so much without his help because he thought I was not capable.
Things like that gets me real upset with him, but he's so much better now that he see that I am not stupid and I can adapt real quick. Now I feel like a woman and I see he has more respect for me than when we met. I always found my own clinic where I took it upon myself to make sure I was fully vaccinated and have immunity to everything. I think I am to independent for my husband ha ha.
So we had tuns of arguments where I packed my stuffs few times saying I'm leaving knowing I am not going anywhere. It does get better; within the year omg we came so far. the struggles have died down now and our worries are now about getting house, saving anf things like that. We both agree we are not each others enemy.