I would like to join the conversation about the bible's on "marriage" and the response regarding homophobia on this forum. I believe both individuals are loosing sight of one thing... difference in opinion and the right to state one owns prejudice, bias, firm belief without malice. It is true that the bible has been used to justify racism, sexism, homophobia. Not too long ago a particular religion justified slavery using the scriptures to control a certain group of people of over 400 years. Women are demonized in the bible.. Eve is responsible for the downfall of mankind according to the scripture etc. And yes, the gays have had a hard time with been beaten with the scriptures. My questions is this "who did God tell that homosexuality is evil? Who told us we are sinners? Pastors? Priests? Rabbi? Men! who are frail in their own understanding of right and wrong. The kill and maimed in the name of "God" Teaching hate and discord among people. The point a finger of judgement on anyone or anything that is different. Yet it is this same loving God who made gays, blacks, women who is said to be waiting to punish those he created.. mmmm
Then, there is this strange situation where individuals must not speak on their belief/ridiculous or not. They are silenced by a group which seeks to add their voice. Something is wrong if someone tells an individual that he has no right to choose his or her own sexual orientation. But something is also wrong when one cant affirm his or her own sexual identity without bearing the horrible mark of been homophobic. There must be a middle ground where we have the conversation and walk away holding our own views without anger, malice etc. I respect your views even if they conflict with my own. I hold my position without super impose our own. The issue of race, sex and religion continues to drive division between people.. We have to stop it. who cares who harry sleeps with, and who can stop bible thumping Susan from preaching the old story....
Yes, i cringe when I see bible been quoted but I dont really take it personal when someone choose to live their life with only the bible as their source of all truth.. but it is this person right. I saw a conversation about who god said a woman ought to be and just felt someone is either excited to share their views on the subject. I may smile or be annoyed but the freedom remains for that individual. If you are confidence in your lifestyle and choices in life then you dont allow someones opinion to rattle you. The post will in no way sway one from their orientation by guilt trip or shame. The individual convictions will also remain even when they are challenged to be politically correct. Blacks are still fighting for equal rights and justice, gays are fighting to be respected and accepted, christians are fighting for hegemony... all need to be heard. We just have to be careful that in the fight to assert ourselves we dont trample upon the rights of others... to be! The song I am posting is an example of a woman who feel her rights were being trampled... we have to have the conversation in a respectful manner even if it proves our sensibility. At the end each person regardless of race, class, religious and sexual orientation has the right to own their place around the table of free discourse. Jah loves all people, a so me se!