The first time is always the hardest and you cant blame the family and friends for asking “most jamicans are ignorant to this whole process as I am sure most of all were until we got into the whole inmmigration fiasco, blame it on curiousity aka fassness but it is the nature of most people to want to know everyones business lol how else they gotnna chat you with punicie brother d and the shop owner down the street. The questions will die down with every trip you make ...right now honey you a hot topic in the gossip mill and everyone want talk about you.... Someone in the process to go to farrin is the top of the list for the gossip mongrels. I know it is hard on you we have all been there I used to celebrate everyday that passes as a victory cause that one less day to wait ( lol for me I celebrated it with a drink not suggesting will turn you into a boarder line alchi real quick) lol............... just keep the faith LIFE SOON SORT OUT