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Hero Member
Jun 5, 2013
Visa Office......
Kadi27 said:
Welcome BullsBelle; I pray everything works out and all is well by July for you.
How do i load my credtials like below???

Category........: FAM
Visa Office......: Kingston
App. Filed.......: January 2013
AOR Received.: February 2013
File Transfer...: February 2013
Med's Done....: November 2012
Interview........: Declaring none in the name of Jesus
Passport Req..: By September 2013 saith the Lord our God
VISA ISSUED...: No later than November 2013 in the Mighty Name of God
LANDED..........: by December 30 2013; Amen!


Star Member
May 6, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
PC redo jan 29. In process march 7
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
March 24, 2014
March 27.2014
U need to post 10 times


Hero Member
Jun 5, 2013
Visa Office......
ready_fi_move_on said:
Good afternoon family
I see a lot of you here are very frustrated by this whole process but I just wanted to let you know to hold the faith things will get better. I though maybe if I shared my story with you then you will see that the road is rough but there is a silver lining at the end of the rainbow.
So here is my story My husband and I have been together for well over 7 years. We got married 2 and half years ago.
December 2010. Our application was put in March 2011. I waited for 6 months without hearing one word from immigration Canada no Aor no approval noting. I was very ignorant to the system and had not found this site yet.
Skip forward to September 2011 I met a lady who sponsored her husband from Cuba, I tell her what has been happening to me and she gives me advice on what to do. I call cic only for them to tell me that they received my application in march but shortly after I cancelled my application (like wtf when in the hell did that happen) after having a major break down I go and see a family friend who is a lawyer who decided to help free of charge, he advised me that this would take sometime so the best bet if I wanted my husband here with me was to reapply while he works on trying to get me my money back that I paid for the first application. At this time I was in a financial situation and had just returned from Jamaica so I was broke as a joke. Skip forward to March 2012 I had been introduced to this forum but was lurking in the back ground reading and deciding if I should join, at the same time I put in my second application
And the wait again began by April I had not heard anything so I finally decide to come out of the wood works and talk to the people on this forum (everyone here was so encouraging and for the first time I felt a bit of hope)
After 102 days of waiting I finally get my AOR and on the same day I get my approval. Let me tell you it was the first time that my tears were of joy instead of sorrow. The summer went by I made 2 trips to see my husband still not a word from Kingston I send an email nothing I send another email nothing again( panic starts to kick in) then comes September and I log onto ecas and WOW my file now says INPROCESS (yes happy dance its almost over, or so I thought) well with my luck I know you don't see smoke without fire so of course here come the fire 2 days after my file goes to in process my husband calls and tells me he received an email requesting an interview date set for 3 weeks late on October 8th. Well isn't this great I already have my ticket booked to go to Jamaica but I am supposed to return to Canada on October 6th but there is no way that I am not gonna be there to support my hubby while he is being drilled about our relationship so I call the travel agent and change my return date for the 10th. Then we get another email requesting that we provide additional proof (seriously the western union receipts form the last 4 years , pics that date back to 2004,before we even started dating all that and you still want more evidence) LOL yeah Kingston wants evidence because cic never sent all that to Kingston(big surprise). So on the day of the interview my husband and I walked up to security with a bankers box filled with pictures letters from family, friends foes whoever would write a letter on our behalf , phone records everything but the kitchen sink.
The interview went fairly well my husband did loose his temper when the immigration office passed her place with him.
1 week after the interview we get a request for DNA TEST (Surprise surprise)
Then finally at the end of November we finally get the magical call for passport request (breath sigh of relief)
Yeah right at the rate things have been going there has to be more things cant go so smoothly now, soo of course less than a week after sending in the passport we get a call for an io stating they got a letter with new information about our case and this has be investigated before a visa can be issued , apparently someone still don't know for sure who it is but I have some ideas of who sent in a letter to immigration that our application is a fraud and that my husband served 3 years in jail (lol what a laugh my hubby has not gotten so much as a speeding ticket let alone been to jail.)
But family I tell ya the lord was in control that day and the immigration officer who was handling our file was an angle sent down from above she checked out things in record time saw that the information for that letter did not add up and 1 week later dhl picked up my husband and step daughters passport for Kingston and he went in the next and there in the passports were the shiny pretty little visas. We wasted no time and 5 days later they landed @ Pearson.

My reason for sharing my story with all of you is to let you know that the road is tough and very frustrating and the devil will throw all he has at you , but PLEASE keep the faith and don't worry because at the end of every storm is a beautiful rainbow.

Even after your spouse lands there will be bumps in the road still but it will all be worth it
I am still going through with issues with the government ,but you know what the worst is over and it will be for all of you as well.

God Bless you all
:) [size=10pt]Thank you for the inspiration you gave me today to move forward with a smile!!!! [/size]


VIP Member
Mar 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Kingston, JA
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
March 4, 2014
March 20, 2014
March 22, 2014
yolo1980 said:
MY husband now has his visa in hand and i just confirmed his flight he will be home on Saturday night
omg this is real its really over

yeah woohoo! :eek: ;D :D ;) :p :eek: ;D :D ;)


VIP Member
Mar 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Kingston, JA
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
March 4, 2014
March 20, 2014
March 22, 2014
BullsBelle said:
Hi, I am new to the forum and I am here for support. I have not filed paperwork yet due to financial issues. It is interesting to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am gonna hold the faith. By the grace of god and my bank account I hope to have the papers in by July 30, 2013
Good afternoon and welcome.....everyone here is really great....if you need help filing out the application or you have questions, just shout us out here and someone is sure to help you out.


Hero Member
Jun 5, 2013
Visa Office......
chickie72 said:
Good afternoon and welcome.....everyone here is really great....if you need help filing out the application or you have questions, just shout us out here and someone is sure to help you out.
One question I do have, does anyone know how long the medical and police records are good for? I have the paperwork all filled out and all supporting documents. The police record was done again for the third time in February and his medical was done in October 2012.


Hero Member
Jun 5, 2013
Visa Office......
Samilanaire said:
Go to profile on top of the page and then left hand side ull see modify u just click on forum profile then input info hope that works as i am still learning my self


Hero Member
Jun 5, 2013
Visa Office......
mrsbrown said:
Thanks for the welcome. I wa approved as a sponsor on March 29, 2013, so I guess the Primary application is on its way or in Kingston, website says it has been received and that medicals have also been received, but that's all. My hubby has no kids, wondering if that will make our application go smoother? I hate waiting. I try and go back every two months but that is getting pricey... :'(
I have not been back since December of 2011!! Tickets from regina Saskatchewan are wicked expensive, i used to go spur of the moment, I no longer can do that.


Champion Member
Nov 9, 2012
BullsBelle said:
One question I do have, does anyone know how long the medical and police records are good for? I have the paperwork all filled out and all supporting documents. The police record was done again for the third time in February and his medical was done in October 2012.
Medicals are good for 1 year and police clearance is a year as well.


Star Member
Apr 6, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
still waiting
Passport Req..
still waiting
still waiting
hopefully soon!
yolo1980 said:
Good morning beautiful people

My husband is on his way to Dhl as i type this note to pick up his package. I am so over come with joy i have not slept a wink all night yet i feel fresh as a daisy. It is so wonderful to know that this step of the process is finally over. I wish all of you the same joy that i feel right now. Never in my life have i seen strangers so supportive to one another. God bless you all.

My husband and I talked last night for most of the night and we decided that he would come here for a month and then in July we both will go back to jamaica me till september , he will stay untill the adotion process is complete and the kids can come as well. I am hoping we all can come home togather in september but it is in gods hands.

Congrats YOLO!!!! :D


Champion Member
Jan 20, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
BullsBelle said:
One question I do have, does anyone know how long the medical and police records are good for? I have the paperwork all filled out and all supporting documents. The police record was done again for the third time in February and his medical was done in October 2012.
Welcome to our Family. I wish you all the best

Regarding the police check. Your papers have to be filed within 3 months of the police clearence. For the medical it just has to be valid however for both like oneandonly said they are good for a year.

Baby update - contractions are happening, saw the dr yesterday and she thinks I'll have her by the end of the weekend. I'm sooooo excited and nervous at the same time. I'll keeep you all updates