hi guys what up? How is everyone? I am so sorry I haven't been here for a while but I do miss talking to you all! Hey Sammy, I wish you a safe delivery girl! Well my landing went well and uneventful. Where to begin? well, I always imagined it would be a bright sunny day, but it was a rather rainy gloomy day. I went to bed like 1 am and woke up at 2am to get ready to leave. So needles to say we were a;; really tired and slept on the plane.( my boots nearly blind mi! hard to walk in! lmao) Apart from all that, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. When we reached Pearsons and went to talk to the immigration officers to do the landing We were directed to another man who asked us for our address and postal code, made us sign some documents and our landing was complete in about 10-15 minutes. Thank goodness! Then we went to get our bags searched, they took over an hour to search the bags for 2 persons and we started to worry igf we would get thru in time to catch our connecting flight, but as we reached the front of the line a black lady came, she saw our entire trolley full of bags and just asked if we had any food. My mom said she had some kfc she said she would have to throw it away. She then asked if we had any live chickens ;D she said no and the lady just said ok and let us go through without searching any of our 16 bags in total! We were so happy!

Then we caught our flight and made it to Saskatoon in another 3 hours, but because of the time difference and all the flying we were really jet lagged. When we went outside the airport I couldn't believe I had finally made it, I was so happy! Now being here for almost a month, this job hunt has been really hard. I got a job as a cashier in a fast food restaurant, training starts next week but I am still looking and hoping and praying I will get something else. Still, I will be making almost twice what I would be making as a teacher in ja ;D, Giving God thanks still, kinda learning the bus system now, some days fall to like 9 degrees and my fingers freeze up but apart from that most days are nice and its really beautiful here. I can't stress how clean and orderly everywhere is. I even got a credit card even though I don't have a job. Well, I will see what happens.
Next thing now for me, my fiance is coming in july. His flight has already been booked. I am excited. Even though our wedding will be really small. just about ten guests because I don't know that much people here and either way I don't have no money to feed the great multitude. ;D I am concerned about a few things. I think I ask already on here but I want to ask again to make sure.
1) When we get married, once I mail in our application it is implied that he can stay here in Canada without him having to apply for an extension on his visitor visa right?
2) About how long will it take to get his work permit if I apply for it in our package?
3) and what should I let him get in terms of documents or what ever, from he is in JA? I already told him to do a work permit.
You guys always answer my questions and give me good advice so I am confident that you will help me once more. And to all those new persons here and those who have been waiting for a long time, just keep the faith. I can't tell you how much times I give up, but I finally made it and you will too. Just believe.