Good evening ladies!!!!
I'm finalllly up for some air ( takes a big gasp of air) lol!
Landing story
So at approximately 8:30 my bestfriend and I arrived at Pearson international...let me just tell y'all I was shaking in my boots the entire hour I was there.
My friends kept telling me " calm down cee, this will all be over entire family joined me on my special day and my 10 year old niece made hubby a massive poster stating "welcome to Canada".
My bro kept pulling pranks the entire time sayinng "there he is" when it really wasn't him LOL...I can tell you, my nerves went up about 100 times that night because of him but nevertheless we all had good laughs out of it..
My sister and Mom stood at the exit waiting for him to appear with the poster in hand. I was sitting down on the benches with my bestfriend and son trynna process everything in cuz it all felt like a approximately 9:30 hubby walked through the doors and my entire family started clapping and hollering, it was quite a scene in that airport..everyone was looking and clapping along with us, they all understood what was going on....hubby and I hugged and gave each other a big kiss. There was soooo many spectators that night it was unbelievable.....they all kept saying "awww" and preeing us..
That night was..................when we got home

...we went HARDDDD...let's just say three sessions in one night...BAHAHAHA....we ordered pizza since hubby always wanted to try Canadian pizza....he killeddddd it!
The next day I took him to Westwood mall in malton....he was very fascinated with how big our malls are...hes been asking alot of questions and finding alot about his new country...
I also brought him ice skating.....LOLOL it wasss soooo hilariousssss watching him ice skate.he kept on wobbling!!!!! LMAO!!!! He fell twice and looked at younger children than himself skating like pro's and was like " mi boxide dem ya lickle pickney can skate so good and big man like me cant skate...mi haffi go two months and mi a maaaad skater lolololl!
His skin has also been peeling off, and hubby told me it's his snow skin coming on now funny!!
Hubby fits in soooo perfect!!!! Like hes NEVERRR even been missing....its wonderful waking up beside him every morning and going to bed beside him at night....he wakes up a million times every night making sure I'm right beside him and kisses me and goes right back to sleep.....
This week we're looking into jobs for him and getting him his cards!! I'm soooo excited for wats in store!!!!
For all you still waiting, trust me when I say this----all the tears, anger, frustrations your feeling now, you wont even remember them when your hubbys get here!! It's WONDERFULLLLL to love and be loved! It's an amazing feeling to know that you no longer have to face the world alone.....all the laughing,stress, badmind was worth it!! The ones who fought against us during our immigration process has become our biggest supporters! Hubs makes life so much more worth the living,,,ever since he came I feel like I can face anything!!! Do anything!!!! Be anything!!!
I'm finally experiencing happiness at its finest! It's only been four days since hubbys arrival but it feels soooo much longer!!
## they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength--they shall mount up with wings as eagles--they shall walk and not be weary, they shall run and not faint##