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oneandonly said:
Good afternoon,

Just got home from work decided to check my email. I sent an email yesterday asking if they have received my application at their office. I would hate to know if it was lost. Sure enough there was an email sitting in my inbox from them. My application is in process what a relief to know they are working on it.
That's awesome. :D :D :D

And you know I call your name in my prayer last night, well I said 'oneandonly' I figured God knows who I meant.


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Good evening everyone

Hope everyone had a good productive day :)


Champion Member
Nov 9, 2012
sheriB said:
That's awesome. :D :D :D

And you know I call your name in my prayer last night, well I said 'oneandonly' I figured God knows who I meant.
Thank you SheriB your prayers were answered my heart is so at ease that's its there safe. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words God is amazing.


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Very awesome news One and Only. You must be happy your file is in process especially having just got approval in December. That's very speedy. Wonder if I were to email them what response I would get. I am waiting until I get the strong feeling to as don't want to disturb them too early but with them you never know what timeline is in store for you - could be early or late. Congrats!

oneandonly said:
Good afternoon,

Just got home from work decided to check my email. I sent an email yesterday asking if they have received my application at their office. I would hate to know if it was lost. Sure enough there was an email sitting in my inbox from them. My application is in process what a relief to know they are working on it.


Champion Member
Nov 9, 2012
Thank you tamarindball we have the same timeline I'm pretty sure your application is also in process. I got the courage when sweetieq was told her application was in process. Doesn't hurt to send a general inquiry.

tamarindball said:
Very awesome news One and Only. You must be happy your file is in process especially having just got approval in December. That's very speedy. Wonder if I were to email them what response I would get. I am waiting until I get the strong feeling to as don't want to disturb them too early but with them you never know what timeline is in store for you - could be early or late. Congrats!


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Hey Cee. Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. Remember every disappointment is for a reason so don't be too stressed as soon and very soon, you will have hubby all to yourself. I respect his wish to remain with his mother during her hospitalisation especially being an only child. That's a good man so yuh done know seh him a go treat u good. Right now just keep praying that her recovery will be soon and there won't be any further delays. I will remember you and your family in my prayers. Very best wishes. The devil is surely a liar but a loser too. Keep praying and trusting.
quote author=ceeallen link=topic=29680.msg2106017#msg2106017 date=1361979759]
Mi deh ya hun! Lol

Hubbys mom is in the hospital, wont b coming out for a few weeks....I kinda felt something was coming up hence the reason why I did not book his ticket...gut instincts....so we prob have to put off his flight for couple weeks as hubby wants to be there for his Mom. He is soooooo upset and was telling me baby, the devil hates when we link heads cuz we have such a strong connection, and my whole mind and heart was into coming next week and now this...he is soooo vex abt it, but I was telling him I understand and I think it's the best choice because it definitely would not feel good for the both of us knowing hes here miles away, and his Mom is down there in incredible pain..

His mom is diabetic....she was outside getting ready to wash and stepped on a nail which went all the way into her foot...her foot is now infected which caused it to swell and be filled with puss, so now she has to get a surgical intervention which requires draining, hubby is her only child and I told him her foot being in pain then her only son flying out is not a good combination....

Hes now at the hospital beside his mother.


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Yes that's what I realised. I will muster up the courage very very soon and email them. Guess it won't hurt. Thanks


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That's so sweet of you Cee. I am really happy that things are on the improve and I know that hubby is smelling Canada right now so don't worry yourself. Just vision him touching down at Pearson airport into the snow and into your warm arms and bed!


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Forgot to ask you if your ECAS has changed to in process even though I know that's not accurate

oneandonly said:
Thank you tamarindball we have the same timeline I'm pretty sure your application is also in process. I got the courage when sweetieq was told her application was in process. Doesn't hurt to send a general inquiry.
lonelycanadianwifey said:


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Two African-American sisters, Sadie and Bessie Delaney, were born in the southern United States at the end of the nineteenth century.

Growing up, the sisters experienced great pain because of deep-rooted discrimination against people of African descent. They often shook with anger at the treatment they received. But they refused to be defeated, learning to laugh off discrimination and encouraging each other not to despair. The sisters determined: If society isn’t going to accept us when we have the same ability as white people, then we’re just going to have to become even more capable. They drew strength from their father, who used to say, “Don’t ever give up. Remember, they can segregate you, but they can’t control your mind. Your mind’s still yours.” Through tireless effort, they gained places to study at Columbia University.

Sadie, the elder sister, became the first African-American to teach domestic science at High School level in New York City. Bessie, meanwhile, was only the second African-American woman licensed to practice dentistry there. They were not defeated by discrimination, poverty or criticism. They knocked back obstacles with the attitude, “What! Is that all?”

Bessie summed up her attitude, saying, “However you do it, you’ve just got to fight in this life . . . If there’s one thing you’ve got to hold on to, it’s the courage to fight!” Both sisters outlived their detractors, living to over 100 years old with a deep sense of achievement. Many people think that it is only those born into fortunate circumstances who can succeed in life. Such people often feel that they, too, could have been successful, if only they had been blessed with this or that, or if only they weren’t hampered by the problems that trouble them now.

When I was young, I had a friend who excelled at everything and whom everyone admired. But recently I heard that he had ended up very unhappy, beset by illness and family problems. How could this happen to someone who had seemed so lucky in his youth? Maybe it was because, having been pampered from an early age, he never learned what hard work was, nor what it meant to struggle to achieve something. Thinking that everything he needed would fall into his lap, he probably avoided making strenuous efforts and was therefore unable to withstand the waves of difficulties which hit him later in life.

As long as we are alive we cannot be free of difficulties nor spared from problems. The question is how to overcome and resolve them. And there is only one answer: to confront and challenge life’s trials head on. In doing so, we can actually change them into sources of joy. Hardship builds character. I firmly believe that one can never become a person of extraordinary character just by leading an ordinary and peaceful life and avoiding difficulties.

Life involves scaling one mountain, then the next, then the one after that. The person who keeps on going, one step at a time, and finally conquers the highest mountain, will have a real sense of victory in life. But someone who avoids challenges and takes the easy route instead, will gradually descend into the valleys and feel no such sense of satisfaction. Such a person, when faced with a problem, tends to think, “I know I should take action, but it will be very difficult.” When it is time to act, this kind of person tends to turn away. Someone who perseveres will rise to the challenge, however, determining, “It will be very difficult, but I must take action.”

A dear friend who faced every challenge in her life was Mrs. Fang Zhaoling, a painter and calligrapher based in Hong Kong who passed away in 2006 at the age of 92. She grew up during great political instability in China and her father was gunned down before her when she was eleven years old. But her mother was determined not to let this tragedy stand in the way of her daughter’s education, and Mrs. Fang studied hard, also learning to paint.

She married young and bore eight children. Then tragedy struck again when she was 36. Her husband died, leaving her to bring up the children—aged between 3 and 11—alone. Mrs. Fang then ran a small trading company and somehow managed to support and raise her children and provide each of them with a good education. She said, “Experiencing the hardship of being widowed at a young age is perhaps what gave me the strength to go on to study and develop my skill as an artist.”

Her life was evidence that overcoming challenges, triumphing over adversity is what life is all about. Her paintings often show steep cliffs and forbidding crags, but often one can make out a path or road through the rocks. Even in her eighties, Mrs. Fang was always active, always moving forwards. Her life shone like a jewel, forged and polished by hardship. A diamond, the king of jewels, is the hardest and brightest of minerals. Just as diamonds crystallize when carbon buried deep underground is subjected to extremely high pressure and temperatures, so, when we forge our lives under the intense pressure of difficulties and in the severe heat of hardship, we can develop a beautiful and strong sense of self. Often the biggest obstacle in meeting life’s challenges is actually our own fear of failure. But it is not failure that we should fear. The only real failure comes when we allow our fear to prevent us from taking on new and unknown challenges.

Just about every important figure in history has in fact lived a life marked by one mishap after another. But these individuals rose up again after every setback, prodded on by a spirit that refuses to concede defeat and relishes challenge, to eventually crown their lives with victory.

Even if you have problems, even if you have done things you regret, or have made mistakes, your whole future still lies ahead of you. If you can just keep moving forward, telling yourself, “I’ll start from today,” “I’ll start afresh from now, from this moment,” then a whole new world of possibilities will open up before you.

Who God Bless

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ready_fi_move_on said:
Good morning family happy Wednesday to everyone
It nasty out there so please stay in doors as best possible and if you must go outside please drive carefully
I just wanted to take a minute to hail up everyone and wish you all the greatest of Gods Blessing
I know there are many here who are very frustrated towards the slow progress that Kingston is having I feel it for you all
I am grateful for this forum because you all have brought me through some very difficult times and even though I am not as active as I once was .... I intend on returning the favor ...... trust me fams life nuh easy one bit in every step of this process there is difficulty ....it gets easier once you get the ppr and visa yes that is true but ...... family me a tell it there is still many more rivers to cross and many more obstacles to face ...I was very naive in thinking that once hubby was off the plane we would just fall magically into step and it would be sunshine and roses after that ..... shocker to me its not ...it takes a lot of maturity and patience to make a marriage work .... Lol I thought that once he was here all the haters would stop them talks lol wrong again if anything it has increased ..... I am very grateful that the immigration part of my journey is over ...but just a fore warning family don't let your guard down once visa is issued there is still a lot more obstacles that one must face in this journey and the journey is never truly over because day in a day out you learn more you grow more you marriage will be tested you will be tested ,,your spouse will be tested .... The devil is a very strong character and if you are not strong in faith and have the lord as your Sheppard you will face many difficulties....

PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT take my words as anything negative ..... I wish you all the best of luck in your journey and that you will be reunited with your families soon times

Peace love and blessing family

Thank you ready for those kind thoughts, a real talk that.