Cee,ceeallen said:Mi deh ya hun! Lol
Hubbys mom is in the hospital, wont b coming out for a few weeks....I kinda felt something was coming up hence the reason why I did not book his ticket...gut instincts....so we prob have to put off his flight for couple weeks as hubby wants to be there for his Mom. He is soooooo upset and was telling me baby, the devil hates when we link heads cuz we have such a strong connection, and my whole mind and heart was into coming next week and now this...he is soooo vex abt it, but I was telling him I understand and I think it's the best choice because it definitely would not feel good for the both of us knowing hes here miles away, and his Mom is down there in incredible pain..
His mom is diabetic....she was outside getting ready to wash and stepped on a nail which went all the way into her foot...her foot is now infected which caused it to swell and be filled with puss, so now she has to get a surgical intervention which requires draining, hubby is her only child and I told him her foot being in pain then her only son flying out is not a good combination....
Hes now at the hospital beside his mother.
I'm sorry to hear about your mother in law may she get well be healthy soon. Good advice for hubby to stay there until she heals. You and your family will be in my prayers.